Correção de texto: Last day on a job

Last day on a job

We worked as a normal day, but we were a little worried because we knew it was the last day of our contract and anyone talked to us about to sign our dismissal. So, we decided to ask about it to the woman who was responsable for us. Then, she told us that the boss of the maintanance section would do it. So, we continued our work and in the end of the day the boss called us sign our dimissal. After that we went home, each one with a new plan for life.

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Last day on a job

We worked just as it was a normal day, but we were a little worried because we knew it was going to be the last day of our work contract and anyone talked to us to sign our dismissal. So, we decided to ask to the woman who was responsible for us about it. Then, she told us that the boss of the maintanance section would do it. So, we continued our work and in the end of the day the boss called us to sign our dimissal. After that, we went home, each one with a new plan for life.

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