Correção de texto: Love is when

Love is when you love that person in every way. You miss her every minute of the day and it seems nothing goes forward when she's not present. Love is when you just want to make that person smile and it makes you smile back. You need that person, and if she do not want you the way you want, you just want her around and know if she's okay or not, care so much about it. You just want this person in your life forever.

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Sugestões de correção:
Love is when you love someone in every way. You miss her every minute of the day and it seems nothing goes well when she's not around. Love is when you just want to make that person smile and it makes you smile back. You need that person, and if she does not want you the way you want her, you just want her around and you know if she's okay or not; you care so much about it. You just want this person in your life forever.

Bons estudos!