Correção de texto: Movie Review (The Internship)

Movie Review (The Internship) by Feltrim

Directed by Shawn Levy and written by Vince Vaughn and Jared Stern, ''The Internship'' is the story about 2 salesmen who after a job firing they see each other trying to get hired by Google.
The movie is set in the United States at Google's headquarters, Silicon Valley. It is about two salesmen (Billy and Nick), they are friends and work together selling watches for Bill Sale company. After a real shock involving sales, computers and future they suddently got fired.
Vince's girlfriend left him and his house goes to mortgage, while Nick receives an opportunity to work for his sister's husband in a mattress store.
Billy has an inside and went to Nick's job to tell him that he enrolled both in an online course and also booked a job interview at Google. Nick left the job and goes with Billy.
The job interview occurs in a public library, through the computer they made the funniest and the most confused interview, but in the end they were approved.
A volleyball court, food for free, a high tech build and a lots of ''geeks'', this is how we can describe Google's environment.
On the Google's work rules meeting they were introduced and met the Indian boss, that lady that Nick falls in love and the young manager group.
In the beginning the geeks don't like working with them, but along the tests they see that Billy and Nick are important to the team and a truly friendship begins.
With the reunited team they fight against the British team. On the last test, Billy uses his selling skills to help the team.

And in the end all of them were hired.

I strongly reccomend this movie because it is guarantee that you're gonna laugh a lot.

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Seu texto está muito bom. Irei apenas sugerir algumas alterações:

Directed by Shawn Levy and written by Vince Vaughn and Jared Stern, ''The Internship'' is the story of two salesmen who, after being fired from their jobs, they see each other trying to get hired by Google.
The movie is set in the United States at Google's headquarters, in Silicon Valley. Billy and Nick are friends and work together selling watches for (a company called) Bill Sale company. After a real shock involving the company's sales, computers and future, they suddenly get fired.
Vince's girlfriend leaves him and his house goes into foreclosure, while Nick receives an opportunity to work for his sister's husband in a mattress store.
Billy has an idea and goes to Nick's workplace to tell him that he has enrolled both in an online course and also booked a job interview at Google. Nick leaves his job and goes with Billy.
The job interview occurs in a public library. Despite having a funny and confusing online interview, they are both accepted in the end.
A volleyball court, free food, a high-tech building and a lot of ''geeks'', this is how we can describe Google's (workplace) environment.
At the work rules meeting, they are introduced to the Indian boss, the lady that Nick falls in love with and the group of young managers.
In the beginning the geeks don't like working with them, but as the tests proceed, they realize that Billy and Nick are important to the team and a true friendship begins.
With the team working together, they fight against the British team. On the last test, Billy uses his sales skills to help the team.

In the end, all of them are hired.

I strongly reccomend this movie because it is a guarantee that you're going to laugh a lot.


1) Alterei os tempos verbais para o presente para mantê-los consistentes. Optei pelo presente pois o mesmo é mais comum em reviews de filmes.

2) "Mortgage" é o financiamento de um imóvel propriamente dito. "Foreclosure" é a execução do bem.

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Billy has an inside and went to Nick's job to tell him that he enrolled both in an online course and also booked a job interview at Google.

a) I suppose you perhaps you meant "Billy has an insight"?

b) Try to stick to only verb tense in the same sentence, you should either write "Billy had an insight (?) and went to Nick's job to tell him." or "Billy has an insight (?) and goes to Nick's job to tell him."
That is, the verbs to have and "to go" must be preferably in the same tense. As the following verb "to book" suggests a past action, I would go for "had" and "went".