Correção de texto: My father is at the room

– Papai está na sala? – perguntou ela ao zelador.
– Sim, Dona Cíntia. Ele com toda sua equipe.
Enquanto a moça ia informar ao biólogo que iria ver o seu pai, à meia-voz, Jorge perguntou ao zelador se a filha de Francisco iria trabalhar no local, e acabou sabendo que apenas o colega biólogo iria usar uma das salas com uma equipe.
Entre os que pertenciam a equipe de apoio, estava um conhecido de Jorge, que, depois de pôr uma caixa no chão da sala, foi para fora e se dirigiu ao vigia:
– Tenho boa notícia! A universidade está precisando de gente para a equipe de apoio. Se ainda estiver interessado em trabalhar nas férias, é só aparecer lá na universidade com a documentação.

– My father is at the room? – the woman asked to the caretaker.
– Yes, Miss Cíntia. He and all his staff.
While the woman went tell to the biologist who would see his father, under his breath, Jorge asked to the caretaker if Francisco's daughter would work at the building. The guard just knowing that only the biologist colleague would use one of the rooms with a team.
Among those who belong to the support team, was an acquaintance of Jorge, who, after putting a box in the room floor, was out and addressed the watch:
– I have good news! The university needs someone to the support team. If you are still interested in working on vacation, simply go to the university with the documentation.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
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My corrections are shown below:

Is my father in the room? – the woman asked to the caretaker.
– Yes, Miss Cíntia. He and all his staff.
While the girl went to tell to the biologist that she was going to see her father, quietly, Jorge asked to the caretaker if Francisco's daughter would work in the building and The guard just knowing heard that only his biologist colleague was going to use one of the rooms with a team.
Among those who belonged to the support team, was one of Jorge's aqquaintances, who, after putting a box on the floor, went outside and told the guard:
– I have good news! The university needs someone to join the support team. If you are still interested in working during your vacation, just go to the university with the documentation.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
6 49 1.3k
– My father is in the room? – the woman asked to the caretaker (or building superintendent, depending on the case).
(one usually would think that a room is something to go inside, then my IN. Should it be something bigger, like a school, hospital, restaurant, etc, where there´s normally a "crowd" the AT would be more likely.)

– Yes, Miss Cíntia. He and all the staff.
While she went tell to the biologist who would see her father, Jorge quietly asked ( ) the caretaker if Francisco's daughter would work at the place (the building). All that he learned was that just the biologist would use one of the many rooms as his special meeting room with staff, that was all the guard knew.
Fortunately, among the employees, there was an acquaintance of Jorge´s, that after having put down a box on the room´s ground (wich room? one special room? the meeting room?) came out and announced, in the general direction of the guard (1) "I have good news, the University is hiring graduates/the University is in need of staff right now/has (just) opened some job positions!"...etc

(1)(I thought so, I made it up. Or he talked to the guard and Jorge "overhead"? or had he exclaimed out loud! it wasn´t clear from the text...)
The story get´s mixed up, a bit...
Anyway, let´s forget about the text coherence, and start it all again, thinking just about the translation of it.

– I have good news! The university needs workers to its personnel, if you are still interested in vacation jobs, simply go to the university with your resumé.

Well, my first rough draft, I am sure there´s room to improvement. Now I leave the ball on your court, to further polishing of the text, guys.
6 49 1.3k
Well done, Telma! Such a pity I run out of votes for the night.
Anyway, I am sure the answer will be of invaluable help to Luiz and he himself will vote on it. ;)
6 49 1.3k
A new day! a brand new share of votes! he hee.