Correção de texto: My life now

Today is February 28th, 2018, I am in my job waiting for my girlfriend to go home. We work in the same building. In a month, il will be her birthday on March 26 th, It'll be celebrated on March 24th, because it's Saturday and it's easier for people to come. Only some people know, but we're going to get engaged. We've already planned that. I have to buy the rings. My parents don't know yet. I think that's gonna be a shock. There'll be a party for about thirty people, including my folks and my siblings and my brother-in-law. There'll also be my girlfriend's relatives like uncles, aunts, cousins, her parents, her stepfather, her siblings and some of her friends. The party is taking place at her aunt's ranch in a near city, forty kilometers away from where we live. She's anxious and excited about this day. I'm scared to death. I though I was never getting married, now look where I am.

Ficou um pouco grande, mas quem puder fazer a gentileza de corrigir meu texto, agradeço.

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Today is February 28th 2018, so here I am at my job right now, waiting for my girlfriend to leave her office.
Next, I will take her home. As a matter of fact, we work in the same building.

I am in my job waiting for my girlfriend to go home. could suggest that you are stalling at your work... So your girlfriend will leave after a day of work, but you wouldn´t be waiting for her, but for her leaving. Then you would do something afterwards - which could even be going home too!