Correção de Texto para publicação em fórum de Música

Olá pessoal!
Solicitei em um forum da banda "howling Bells" da qual eu sou fã a letra da musica "Today" que não se encontra em nenhum site de letras de músicas. Escrevi o seguinte texto no forúm:

Título do tópico: "Today" Howling Bells lyric
texto: I wish someone make available howling bells song lyrics "today" . Lyrics of the song "Today" is not available in any site. it's a beautiful song that I would like to know the complete lyrics, because I only understand some parts like this

“I’m by myself/like forever…./it’s true/love can…./ today I’ll be fine/wind still blows without you/ don’t believe/…../ Oh look/ I can walking on my on/ on my on// today I’ll be fine/ wind still blows without you/....

song:!/search/song?q ... ells+Today

PS: my native language is not English

Thanks in advance

Por favor, aponte os erros no texto e sugiram-me correções.

Thanks in advance

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1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Sugestões de correção:
I'd like someone to make Howling Bells Song Lyrics ''Today'' available. Lyrics of the song "Today" is not available on any site. It's a beautiful song and I would like to know the lyrics in full, because I only understand some parts like this one.''

“I’m by myself/like forever…./it’s true/love can…./ today I’ll be fine/wind still blows without you/ don’t believe/…../ Oh look/ I can walking on my on/ on my on// today I’ll be fine/ wind still blows without you/....