Correção de texto "Pragmatic Motivations"

Olá, pessoal. Eu gostaria de saber se vocês poderiam corrigir a minha versão em inglês de uma parte do capítulo "Motivações Pragmáticas", escrito por Victoria Wilson, que se encontra no livro "Manual de Linguística", organizado por Maria Martelotta (2008). Poderiam me dizer o que acharam e quais erros encontraram? Muito obrigado!

Texto Original: Motivações Pragmáticas

As discussões teóricas na linguística giram em torno de dois pontos fundamentais dos quais derivam as escolas linguísticas: a concepção de língua e linguagem e a perspectiva que o pesquisador adota em relação ao seu objeto de estudo. Dependendo do modo como os estudiosos concebem a língua, surge uma teoria e um método equivalente e adequado para explicar seu funcionamento, sua organização, sua estrutura e as possíveis relações da língua com outros elementos internos ou externos ao sistema linguístico.
A partir do século XX, depois da publicação do Curso de linguística geral, de Ferdinand de Saussure, podemos afirmar que as pesquisas linguísticas se dividem em dois grandes polos: o polo formalista e o polo funcionalista.
O primeiro dá ênfase à forma linguística, isto é, à ideia de língua como sistema e estrutura. A língua é entendida como um objeto autônomo, independente das intenções de uso e da situação comunicativa. Embora Saussure compreenda a língua em sua dimensão social, como um sistema de signos que é ao mesmo tempo produto social da faculdade da linguagem e de um conjunto de convenções adotadas pela comunidade, essa dimensão só se “infiltra” mesmo na sua contraparte, a parole, isto é, a fala. Esta corresponde à parte individual e concreta da língua e é, conforme Saussure, acidental e acessória.
Segundo a tendência formalista da língua, introduz-se a teoria desenvolvida por Noam Chomsky, que privilegia a competência linguística ou gramatical sobre o desempenho (performance) e que supõe um falante e um ouvinte ideais, numa comunidade linguística homogênea. Isso significa que tudo o que diz respeito à heterogeneidade da língua fica restrito a outro âmbito, o de sua realização, que corresponde à noção de desempenho (performance). Apesar de mais tarde Chomsky considerar, ao lado da competência gramatical, a competência pragmática, isto é, aquela que contempla o conhecimento das condições de uso da língua, a noção de comportamento linguístico é desvinculada das relações entre língua e sociedade.
Segundo Papi (1996:89), a competência pragmática advogada por Chomsky ainda se mantém no plano da idealização porque “se situa no mesmo plano das estruturas mentais hipotéticas”

Versão em Inglês: Pragmatic Motivations

Theoretical discussions in linguistics revolve around two fundamental points from which linguistic schools derive: the conception of “langue” and “language” and the perspective that a researcher adopts towards their object of study. Depending on the manner in which scholars view language, an equivalent theory and method are developed to explain its operation, organization, structure and the possible relations of language to other elements lying inside or outside the linguistic system.
From the 20th century onwards, following the publication of Course in general linguistics, by Ferdinand de Saussure, we can affirm that linguistic research has been divided into two major poles: the formalist pole and the functionalist pole.
The latter emphasizes the linguistic form, i.e., the idea of language as a system and structure. Language is taken as an autonomous object, independent of usage intentions and communicative situations. Although Saussure recognizes the social dimension of language, which he understands as a system of signs that is a social product of both the faculty of language and a set of conventions adopted by a community, this dimension is actually only present in parole, this is, the speech. Parole corresponds to the individual and concrete part of language and is, according to Saussure, accidental and accessory.
Following this formalist approach to language, Noam Chomsky introduces the theory that favors linguistic or grammatical competence over performance and that assumes an ideal speaker and listener, within a homogeneous linguistic community. This means that everything related to the heterogeneity of language is constricted to another domain, that of its realization, which corresponds to the notion of performance. Even though later Chomsky came to consider, in addition to linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, i.e., the competence that involves the knowledge of the conditions of language use, the notion of linguistic behavior is disconnected from the relations between language and society.
According to Papi (1996:89), the pragmatic competence advocated by Chomsky “is still in the realm of idealization, because it is on the same plane as that of hypothetical mental structures”

Muito obrigado!

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
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Hey there GABRIELMT,

I've found some writing issues related to passive voice misuse, punctuation in compound sentences, complex and wordy sentences, intricate text and word choice. Follow some suggestions to make your text better:


Theoretical discussions in linguistics revolve around two fundamental points from which linguistic schools derive: the conception of “langue” and “language” and the perspective that a researcher adopts towards their object of study. Depending on the manner in which how scholars view language, an equivalent theory and method are developed explain its operation, organization, structure, and the possible relations of language language relations to other elements lying inside or outside the linguistic system.

From the 20th century onwards, following the publication of Course in general linguistics, by Ferdinand de Saussure, we can affirm (that) linguistic research has been divided into two major poles: the formalist pole and the functionalist pole there are two linguistic poles: the formalist and the functionalist one.

The latter emphasizes the linguistic form, i.e., the idea of language as a system and structure. Language is taken as considered an autonomous object, independent of usage intentions and communicative situations.

Although Saussure recognizes the social dimension of language, which he understands as a system of signs that is a social product of both the faculty of language and a set of conventions adopted by a community, this dimension is actually only present in parole, this which is the speech. Parole corresponds to the individual and concrete part of language and is, according to Saussure, accidental and accessory According to him, parole is the individual and concrete part of the language, which is accidental and accessory.

Following this formalist approach to language, Noam Chomsky introduces the theory that favors linguistic or grammatical competence over performance and that which assumes an ideal speaker and listener within a homogeneous linguistic community. This It means that everything related to the heterogeneity of language language heterogeneity is restricted to another domain scope, that of its realization which is the realization which and that corresponds to the notion of performance.

Even though later Chomsky came to consider, in addition to linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, i.e., the competence that involves the knowledge of the conditions of language use, the notion of linguistic behavior is disconnected from the relations between language and society.

According to Papi (1996:89), the pragmatic competence advocated by Chomsky is still in the realm of idealization because "it is on the same plane as that of hypothetical mental structures”.