Correção de texto: Quality of life

Quality of life

Quality of life is rated the well-being physical and social or lack thereof. Quality of life shouldn’t be confused with the concept standard of living, which is based mainly in money. The term quality of life is used for a lot of contexts, but I'll talk about health care.

Everybody nowadays knows that exist many scientific evidences that show the contribution of health to the quality of life. Similarly, there are many things of the social life standard that contribute to quality in life and are also essential for attain an adequate health standard. Poverty and inadequate living conditions, work, nutrition generate low social standards and consequently less quality of life.

Living conditions and health have improved continuously over the last century, thanks to political progress, economic, social and environmental, as well as to advances in public health and medicine, this help the improve the quality of life in the country.

With the conscious that is necessary take care of health for a long and good life, people’ve sought information and experts in the subject. We can see the crowded gyms and many people concerned about the body and the health.
Today is necessary that you are well with your body for you are well with the society. This is a concern that we will see grow up in the people with the evolution of the country and with improve of the economic classes.

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Quality of life

Quality of life is rated as the physical and social welfare or lack thereof. This concept shouldn’t be confused with the concept of standard of living, which is mainly based on income. Even though the term quality of life may be used in several contexts, this article regards its usage in health care[/i].

Living conditions and health have improved continuously over the last century, owing to the progress in the social, political, economical and environmental spheres, as well as to advances in public health and medicine. Nowadays, it is general knowledge the existence of many scientific studies that show the contribution of health to quality of life. Similarly, there are many elements of the social life standard that contribute to the quality of life and which are also essential for attaining an adequate health standard. Poverty, inadequate living conditions, overwork and bad nutrition generate low social standards and consequently affect the quality of life.

Due to the increasing awareness to the link between health care and quality of life, people have become experts in the matter, as one can see by the crowded gyms everywhere. Today, having a healthy appearance has become highly relevant in order to be accepted by society. This phenomenon is likely to keep growing and it might reach new groups of people, because of the economic evolution of the country and the consequent increasing income of the underprivileged economic classes.
This is the key I used for correcting:

bold = wrong, awkward or vague.
italic = not necessarily wrong, but there is a better way to say it.

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Quality of life is rated as the social and physical well-being or lack thereof.
Quality of life shouldn’t be confused with the concept of standard of living, which is based mainly in money. The term quality of life is used for a lot of contexts, but I'll talk about health care.

I did a little bit, let´s wait for our buddies to give their stab at it.
Thank you!