Correção de texto: Rainy days

Probably, tomorrow will be another rainy day. In general, the rainy days are not so good to walk on the streets because besides carrying an umbrella, we always need to pay attention to the pools of rainwater in the pavement. Furthermore, the risk of be trapped in a traffic Jam is bigger, so, people’s commute can turn into in a terrible experience.
Luck for me, sometimes i can work in my own house, and contact the Office by phone when it is necessary. Then, why should I get my house out tomorrow?

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Segue aqui minhas sugestão:
ramonchaves escreveu:(Tomorrow will probably) be another rainy day. In general, the rainy days "are not so good" to walk on the streets /make walking on the streets unpleasant/unconfortable/a pain in the ass/irritating/etc(how does it make you feel?) because besides carrying an umbrella, we always need(have/got) to pay attention to the pools of rainwater((water) pounds) in the pavement. Furthermore, the risk of being trapped in a traffic Jam is bigger, so, people’s commute can turn into in a terrible experience.
Lucky for me, sometimes I can work in my own house, and contact the Office by phone when it is necessary. Then, why should I get out of my house out tomorrow?
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1 24 214
"... The risk of being trapped in a..."
Já que ressuscitaram o tópico... Seria apenas 'In general, rainy days', não há necessidade do artigo aí.

Eu também preferiria usar 'work from my own home (ou house)' em vez de 'in'.
6 49 1.3k
Gotta agree with you on that one! Thanks for your comment.