Correção de texto: scary clowns

Andrezzatkm 2 8 111
Stories of scarys clowns walking around is now going on in Canada. Many people have reported some cases of someone dressed in a clown costume threatnning the citizens when they are leaving school. There have been many reports of knife wielding clowns caming out of the bushes and to the road to scary people while driving. Police don't know it is a real threat or if it is only a halloween hoax. The case remain under investigatian and any person carring a clown costume or clown mask is a suspect.

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Stories of scarys clowns walking around is now going on in Canada. Many people have reported some cases of someone dressed in a clown costume threatnning the citizens when they are leaving school. There have been many reports of knife wielding clowns caming out of the bushes and to the road to scary people while driving. Police don't know it is a real threat or if it is only a halloween hoax. The case remain under investigatian and any person carring a clown costume or clown mask is a suspect.


Stories of scary clowns walking around are now going on in Canada. Many people have reported some cases of someone dressed in a clown costume threatening the citizens when they are leaving school. There have been many reports of knife wielding clowns coming out of the bushes and to the road to scary people while driving. Police don't know if it is a real threat or it is only a Halloween hoax. The case remains under investigation and any person wearing a clown costume or clown mask is a suspect.
Carls escreveu:
There have been many reports of knife wielding clowns coming out of the bushes and to the road to scary people while driving.
Talvez fosse mais correto:
to the road to scare people while driving.
Carls 2 78
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