Correção de texto: Shy guy

I rarely go to the parties. I mean, I'm very very shy, once in one immersion with the English school my nickname was shy guy. If I go in some party and whether there are many people who I don't know I'm will be clammy, I'm very friendly but I don't really know why I am like that. Of course I don't be ashamed to talk with people but to dance in front of someone or ask something I'm gonna be shy, that's why is difficult to me to go in parties 'cuz I'm gonna be stopped, I just can't dance or sing.

Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
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I rarely go to the parties. I mean, I'm very very shy, once in one a immersion with the English school my nickname was shy guy. If I go in to some party and whether there are many people who I don't know (very well / I haven't met before) I'm will be clammy, I'm very friendly but I don't really know why I am like that. Of course I don't be ashamed am not afraid of talking (or embarrassed to talk) with people but to dance in front of someone or ask something I'm gonna be shy, that's why it is difficult to me to go in to parties 'cuz I'm gonna be stopped standing there (alone), I just can't dance or sing.

Note: use go to...;
I wrote between ( ) some opinions, or choices of structure;
Some structures you wrote seem to be Portuguese "stopped = parado" doen't fit, use stand (ficar de pé), to be still (sem atitude), freeze (congelar) ;)

thank you very much, it really helped me a lot of, hugs for you :) good job!