Correção de texto "Small Town and the big city"

I think who is living in small town or a big city, its have advantages and disvantages. For one hand, I prefer living in a big city, because we have more opportunities of job and pursue better live conditions, more available services, more culture range, more competition between people. However, one of the big problem of the big cities are the pollution, the violence that bring about drugs problems, people pass away easily, the destitute, traffic jam, the Downtown degraded and crowded and whatnot. For the other hand, a small town the people takes after between self them, and they get backs up each other, and they are more homely and its pays to by friendship around. Surely, the tertiary sector is more common on the Big city, where the major people work, and must to keep them finger on the pulse, if they want to brush them skills up. Unlike, the primary sector on small town is more often people work. Nowadays, the big cities are overwhelmed and this can be a big problem to solve, in my point of view, we must to try offsetting the both kind of cities.

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
3 respostas
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gian2hard 1 7 52
I think there are advantages and disadvantages for those living both in big and small cities. On one hand, I prefer living in a big city, because we have more job opportunities and better living standards, widely available services, a whole lot different cultures to experience from, and more competition between people. However, one of the big problems in big cities is the pollution, also violence that bring about drug problems, people pass away easily, the destitute, traffic jam, degraded city centers, crowded and whatnot. On the other hand, in small towns, people look after each other? and they have each others back? and they are more homely and its pays to by friendship around.( não sei o que tu quer dizer com isso :P ) Surely, the tertiary sector is more common in big cities, where the majority of the people work, and must to keep them finger on the pulse, if they want to brush them skills up <-( não sei o que tu quer dizer ). Unlike, the primary sector in small towns which is where people work more often. Nowadays, big cities gets people feeling overwhelmed and this is a big problem to solve, in my point of view, we must to weigh up the pros and cons of living in both kind of cities.

Eu acho que tu quiz dizer ( Drug problems bring about violence ) e não o contrário.
must to keep them finger on the pulse, if they want to brush them skills up ( confuso, não entendi :? )

"...must to keep them finger on the pulse, if they want to brush them skills up..."
eu quero utilizar esta expressao para dar a ideia que as pessoas nas grandes cidades devem estar o mais atualizado possivel se quiserem melhorar as suas habilidades ou conhecimentos

keep your finger on the pulse- utilizei esta expressão porque tinha aprendido que significava manter se atualizado com as tendências

(EX: • You have to keep your finger on the pulse of consumer trends if you want to succeed in business. ou
• How do I manage to dress so well all the time? I buy this fashion magazine every week because it really has its finger on the pulse.)- não sei se este tipo de expressão é muito utilizado a falar e na escrita dos nativos??

"...brush them skills up..."- queria utilizar o phrasal verb brush up que significa
improve something

"For the other hand, a small town the people takes after between self them, and they get backs up each other "- nesta frase quis dizer que as pessoas nas pequenas cidades são mais parecidas umas com as outras, e que elas se apoiam mais entre elas

"and they are more homely and its pays to by friendship around" - quero dizer que elas são mais simples e que valia a pena pela amizade.

Drug problems bring about violence- era mesmo isto que queria dizer, enganei me foi na ordem

gian2hard- obrigado pelas correcções !!!
gian2hard 1 7 52
speaker escreveu:"...must to keep them finger on the pulse, if they want to brush them skills up..."
eu quero utilizar esta expressao para dar a ideia que as pessoas nas grandes cidades devem estar o mais atualizado possivel se quiserem melhorar as suas habilidades ou conhecimentos

keep your finger on the pulse- utilizei esta expressão porque tinha aprendido que significava manter se atualizado com as tendências

(EX: • You have to keep your finger on the pulse of consumer trends if you want to succeed in business. ou
• How do I manage to dress so well all the time? I buy this fashion magazine every week because it really has its finger on the pulse.)- não sei se este tipo de expressão é muito utilizado a falar e na escrita dos nativos??

"...brush them skills up..."- queria utilizar o phrasal verb brush up que significa
improve something

"For the other hand, a small town the people takes after between self them, and they get backs up each other "- nesta frase quis dizer que as pessoas nas pequenas cidades são mais parecidas umas com as outras, e que elas se apoiam mais entre elas

"and they are more homely and its pays to by friendship around" - quero dizer que elas são mais simples e que valia a pena pela amizade.

Drug problems bring about violence- era mesmo isto que queria dizer, enganei me foi na ordem

gian2hard- obrigado pelas correcções !!!
"and they are more homely and its pays to by friendship around" - quero dizer que elas são mais simples e que valia a pena pela amizade.
Certo, saquei agora, tu poderia dizer assim '' in small towns people are usually simple and laid back, and they regard friendship as a important aspect of the community.''

"For the other hand, a small town the people takes after between self them, and they get backs up each other "- nesta frase quis dizer que as pessoas nas pequenas cidades são mais parecidas umas com as outras, e que elas se apoiam mais entre elas
Certo, eu escreveria assim '' usually In small towns people have more things in common, and they support each other.

"...must to keep their finger on the pulse, if they want to brush them skills up..."
eu quero utilizar esta expressao para dar a ideia que as pessoas nas grandes cidades devem estar o mais atualizado possivel se quiserem melhorar as suas habilidades ou conhecimentos
Os exemplos que tu me mostro ali em cima são validos, mas na sua frase sei lá, fico confuso pra mim :P Tipo melhor no trabalho?
Eu escreveria ''People gotta keep up to date with events within their field of work ''
