Correção de "texto sobre aprendizado em inglês"

Hi everybody.
I wrote this short text about my process of learning english, if anyone could verify and correct it, I'd thank a lot. :)

I'm thinking to write something in english, to improve my writing and practice my vocabulary, but I don't know what about I'm going to write. It's too difficult find a subject even in portuguese, I've been studying english since february and I've found a lot of resoucers in the internet to help me in this quest, one of them is Rosetta Stone which is a software where we learn a few things about grammar and focus on vocabulary and speaking skills, another material that I'm using is Effortless English, a series of podcasts made by AJ Hoge where AJ uses a system that He calls "Effortless English System" someone who reads this phrase may be thinking "Escuse me, How can I learn Enlgish without Effort?" but this is just the name of the system, because you need to work hard with this series, you'll need to listen to the audios many times, It's a wonderful approach to improve your listening and your vocabulary. Although people say that grammar isn't very important in the beginnig, in my opinion you can't evolve on this language without a solid base in grammar, that's why I've also studied cambridge's grammar in use books.
I've seem movies with subtitle in english, I don't feel confident to watch them without subtitle yet. but my listening is getting better by doing this.


Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Algumas sugestões de correção:

I'm thinking about writing something in english to improve my writing and practice my vocabulary, but I don't know what I'm going to write about. It's too difficult to find a subject even in Portuguese. I've been studying English since February and I've found a lot of resources on the Internet to help me during this quest, one of them is Rosetta Stone which is a software where we learn a few things about grammar and focus on vocabulary and speaking skills, another material that I'm using is Effortless English, a series of podcasts made by AJ Hoge where AJ uses a system that He calls "Effortless English System" someone who reads this phrase may be thinking "Escuse me, How can I learn Enlgish without Effort?" but this is just the name of the system, because you need to work hard with this series, you'll need to listen to the audios many times, It's a wonderful approach to improve your listening and your vocabulary. Although people say that grammar isn't very important in the beginning, in my opinion you can't get better at this language without a solid base in grammar, that's why I've also studied Cambridge's grammar in use books.
I've seen movies with subtitles in English, I don't feel confident to watch them without subtitles yet, but my listening is getting better with this.