Correção de texto: sobre eu - about me

Hi everyone, my name is joão Victor . I have three sisters and on Brother. I studying the basic education in the city of Recife. I wish be a civil engineer, but i have that studying too. I like play guitar, my music prefer is the Anthem of the flamengo. :-D

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
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Hi everyone, my name is João Victor . I have three sisters and one brother. I am currently in primary school/elementary school in the city of Recife. I wish to be a civil engineer, but I have to study that too. I like to play the guitar, my preffered music is the anthem of (the soccer) team Flamengo.

Generally, to talk about playing an instrument you use "the", before the name of it. The guitar is one of them.

I specified wich Flamengo was, there are neighbourhoods (bairros) in Rio with names of soccer teams as well, Botafogo, Flamengo, etc. So, not to be understood that your favorite music is the anthem is of Flamengo neighbourhood, LOL. ;)

Well, I am just kidding you, as far as I know there´s no anthem of such neighbourhoods, I think it´s good to specify which Flamengo you were talking about, just in case...