Correção de texto sobre leitura

Reading is scientifically proved one of the best manners of working the gray matter of our brains. In addition to that, it can be also both a delightful task and a very useful activity.
Be that as it may, it is essential that our children acquire the habit of reading as soon as possible.
When a person starts reading, the connections between their neurons increase. Over the time, it can have even a good influence on their brain as a whole. Furthermore, according to the recent research carried out by the University of Emory, in the United States of America, those who have made a habit of reading until adolescence are three times as likely to be successful as those who haven’t.
Thus, it is crucial parents should encourage their children to begin to read as early as they can. It can be done in different ways. They can, for example, read bedtime stories to their children and, little by little, convince them to read by themselves. If it doesn’t work, the parents can bring all the family together in order to tell stories and act them out. It not only will develop the children’s interest in stories, but also they will search for more stories and, consequently, more books.
In short, reading has been, and still is, one of the best tools to create clever, insightful and conscientious people. Even if it is hard and tough at first, motivating our children to like reading is a pivotal element in the formation of a model reader.

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
3 respostas
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gian2hard 1 7 52
Friendly suggestions

It can be also both a = it can also be both a (word order)

Best manners - best ways (it just reads better)

Over the time - Over time

It can have even a good influence - it can positively influence the brain

Three times as likely to be successful as those who haven’t - three times more likely to be successful than those who haven't

It is crucial parents should encourage their children to begin to read - It is crucial that parents encourage their children to read from an early age

It can be done in different ways - This can be done in different ways

They can, for example - They could, for example

If it doesn't work - if that doesn't work

It not only will develop the children’s interest in stories, but also they will search for more stories - The children will not only develop an interest in reading stories, but also seek more stories...

One of the best tools to create clever, insightful and conscientious people - one of the best tools in order to become a more clever, insightful, and conscientious person.

Like reading - enjoy reading
Just three questions, gian2hard:

- Is it wrong to say "three times as likely to be successful than those who haven't"?
- and, "it is crucial that parents should encourage.."? is that wrong too?
- and the two last ones suggestions you made? are these phrases you rewrite wrong?

Thank you so much!!!!
gian2hard 1 7 52
Opa, desculpas eu deveria ter especificado quais frases estão erradas e quais são apenas sugestões para escrever mais naturalmente :D
- Is it wrong to say "three times as likely to be successful than those who haven't"?
(...AS .. THAN..) nesse caso é incorreto. Se fosse, por exemplo "four times as likely [[to succeed]] than [[to fail]]" estaria correto

Quando você compara duas coisas que são iguais, eu sugiro usar (

E.g., He is as strong as his dad.

Quando você compara duas coisas e a a probabilidade de algo acontecer é maior para uma do que a outra, eu sugiro usar (...more...than...)

E.g., Those who develop the habit of reading are three times more likely to succeed than those who haven't developed the habit of reading.

Devido ao contexto da sua frase, quando você usa o AS ou invés de MORE, você passa a impressão de que as crianças que desenvolvem o habito de ler tem a mesma chance que às que não desenvolveram o habito de ler.

Eu acho difícil explicar exatamente pq essa frase é incorreta, espero que alguém possa dar uma explicação melhor que a minha.
- and, "it is crucial that parents should encourage.."? Is that wrong too?
Não esta errada, mas quando você usar a palavra "crucial" você passa intensão de urgência, logo o "should" se torna irrelevant, e estranho.
A frase "É crucial que os pais incentivem..." soa melhor que "É crucial que os pais deveriam incentivar"

Se você quiser usar SHOULD, eu sugiro não usar CRUCIAL.

E.g., Parents should encourage...

Outro exemplo seria. "it is important that parents encourage.." correto

No entanto soaria muito estranho dizer "it is important that parents should encourage" = "É importante que os pais devem incentivar"
- and the two last ones suggestions you made? Are these phrases you rewrite wrong?
A frase: "Reading is one of the best tools to create clever, insightful and conscientious people" não esta errada, no entanto eu acredito que o habito de ler não (Cria) pessoas, mas sim faz elas se tornarem algo.

E.g., Reading is one of the best tools that helps us become a more clever, insightful, and conscientious person.

"Like reading" está correto, "enjoy reading" soa melhor no entanto

Espero que isso tenha ajudado um pouco, eu admito que não sou a melhor pessoa para explica o porque das coisas, caso você ainda tenha duvidas é só perguntar, tenho certeza que se eu não conseguir tirar suas dúvidas alguém vai :P