Correção de texto "Student's Opinion"

I'm studying at Uptime, and there I need write a composition about: "what do you think about the school". But, like I'm on the chapter 17, they told me that I 'have to' write it in portuguese. But my instructor (teacher) told me: "if you want write it in English, do it! It will be very good to the other students that are on the same chapter you are."
So, I wrote the composition in English, but like it will be exposed I'd like to know if my composition has some mistakes.

I love English, but I couldn’t speak and understand anything. And I also never got back into my English studies after another course that I made hundred years ago. But now, I’m studying by 4 months, so-so, and I can understand and speak a lot, and I’m just on the chapter 17. That’s awesome!
But on the beginning I didn’t know if Uptime would be a great course of English, because its different way to teach English. Actually, I thought I was playing at the lottery.
But now I’m so glad, because I’m improving my English every day. The teaching method, the teachers, the clerks, at last, everything makes the students gets off on the language.
I don’t know what I can say anymore. Uptime is better than I thought, actually is the best for me. And I’m writing this ‘little letter’ in English, thank Uptime and my instructor and friend Joiro, who is helping me a lot.

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
8 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Algumas sugestões de correção para seu texto:

I love English but I can't speak or understand anything. And I also never got back to studying English after another course that I took a hundred years ago. But now, I have been studying for 4 months and I can understand and speak a lot, and I’m just on chapter 17. That’s awesome!
But in the beginning I didn’t know if Uptime would be a great English course because of its different way to teach English. Actually, I thought it was a shot in the dark.
But now I’m so glad because I’m improving my English every day. The teaching method, the teachers, the clerks, everything helps the students learn the language.
I don’t know what I can say anymore. Uptime is better than I thought, actually is the best for me. And I’m writing this ‘little letter’ in English, thank Uptime and my instructor and friend Joiro, who is helping me a lot.
I love English but I can't speak or understand anything.
Isso não me daria ideia de que eu não consigo, ou não posso, falar e entender inglês no presente?
Porque na realidade eu estou me referindo ao passado, de que eu não podia.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
"Porque na realidade eu estou me referindo ao passado, de que eu não podia."
Sim, neste caso, com o contexto apresentado, sugiro usar "I love English and I couldn't speak or understand anything."
...after another course that I made hundred years ago.
Porque nesse caso o verbo take é mais apropriado que o verbo make?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Take é o verbo que combina com "course" na expressão "fazer um curso". "Make" é um verbo que não se deve usar neste caso - é usado quando se fala inglês baseado nas estruturas literais do português, e devemos evitar isto.
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
Thank you! :D
...I have been studying for 4 months and I can understand and speak a lot...
Na realidade eu ainda não cheguei nesse ponto no meu curso de inglês, mas tenho ouvido muito frequentemente e lido também, sobre o assunto, mas não consigo entender com precisão. Então se puder me explicar o pq do present perfect nessa frase...
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Para dizermos "Eu estou estudando há quatro meses", a forma que recomendo é com o "present perfect". Indica algo que teve início no passado e existe até hoje. Não gosto e não recomendo a forma "I'm studying...".
Thank you very much! :D