Correção de texto: The first car

Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
O primeiro automóvel

O primeiro veículo motorizado a ser produzido com propósito comercial foi um carro com apenas três rodas. Este foi produzido, em 1885, pelo engenheiro alemão Karl Benz e possuía um motor a gasolina. Chamado de motorwagen (carro motorizado), as primeiras unidades foram produzidas pela empresa do inventor, a Benz & Co., na cidade alemã de Mannheim. Com sistema de arranque a manivela, este primeiro automóvel tinha potência de 0,8 cv, podendo atingir 18 km/h.

Outro engenheiro alemão foi de extrema importância nestes primórdios da história do automóvel. Em Stuttgart, Gottlieb Daimler inventou, em 1886, o primeiro veículo de quatro rodas com motor de combustão interna. Sua invenção atingia a velocidade máxima de 16 km
The first car

A three-wheels vehicle was the first motor car, produced with commercial goal. This one was produced by the German engineer Karl Benz and its engine worked by gas. The first units, called Motorwagen (motor car) were produced by the creator's company, the Benz & Co., in the German city of Mannheim. This car had 0,8cv of power and the pull the cranck system, it could achieve 18km/h.

Another German enginer had a great importance about these promodium of car history. In Stuttgart, 1886, Gottlieb Daimler created the first four-wheels car (Combustão interna). His invention could achieve 16km max speed.

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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
The first car.

The first commercial motor car/the first car with engines/the first engine-powered car/the first car powered by an engine was a three-wheeled (optional here) vehicle. This one was produced by the German engineer Karl Benz and its engine was powered worked by gas. The engine was called Motorwagen (motor car) and its first units were produced by the company of the inventor, Benz & Co., in the German city of Mannheim.
This car had 0,8cv of power it´s engine was crank-started (started by [using/turning]a crank handle), it could reach 11.18 mph (18km/h).

Another German engineer was of great importance in the beginning of car history. In Stuttgart, 1886, Gottlieb Daimler created the first four-wheeled car (powered by internal combustion). His invention could reach close to 9.94 mph (16km/h) max speed. ... ulator.php

It´s my tentative draft, subject to fine-tuning. Now the floor is yours. ;)
Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
Thank you ! I forgot to convert from Km/h to Mph. :D
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
No, sweat. It´s normal, I did that just to draw attention to this (cultural) thing.
By the looks of things, it worked! ;)