Correção de texto: The little ant

Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
Certa vez uma formiguinha estava procurando por comida e se deparou com um desafio. Precisava atravessar um rio para pegar comida do outro lado, mas não sabia como ia fazer.
Enquanto ela pensava em uma solução, apareceu o elefante que foi logo dizendo: - Ola dona formiga, porque esta tão pensativa? E a formiga respondeu: Preciso atravessar este rio, mas não sei de que maneira. E o elefante disse: Eu posso ajudá-la! E a formiga disse: Mesmo que bom! E o elefante: Mas eu quero algo em troca! A formiga: Te ofereço qualquer coisa! Dai a formiga subiu no ombro do elefante e os dois atravessaram o rio. Chegando do outro lado a formiguinha saindo de fininho disse: Muito obrigado seu elefante! E o elefante disse: Formiguiiiiiiiihhhaaaaaaaa!!!!!! E o nosso combinado? [...]
Once upon a time a little ant was looking for food and it got a challenge. It had to across the river in order to get the food, but it didn't know how to do that.
While it was thinking how to solve it, an elephant came and said at once: - Hello Mr ant, why are you so thoughtful? The ant replied: I have to across this river, but I don't know how. So the elephant said: I can help you! and the little ant twittered:
Really? How great! but the elephant said: I want something for it! The ant: I can give you everything! Then the ant got up on the elephant's shoulder and they both crossed the river. As he were at the other side the little ant who was sneaking away said:
Thank you very much Elephant! The elephant said: Litlleeee antttttttt! What about our deal??

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2 respostas
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Juliana Rios 24 105 397
Olá Marcelo! Muito legal ver seu empenho. Minhas sugestões:

Once upon a time a little ant was looking for food and / when it ran into a challenge / was faced with a challenge. It had to cross the river in order to get (to) the food, but it didn't know how to do that.
While it was thinking how to solve it, an elephant came and said at once: "Hello Mr. ant, why are you so thoughtful? The ant replied:" I have to cross this river, but I don't know how. So the elephant said: "I can help you!", and the little ant squeaked / answered:
"Really? How great!". But the elephant said: "I want something for it! The ant: "I can give you anything! Then the ant got up on the elephant's shoulder and they both crossed the river. When he / it was on the other side / after reaching the other side, the little ant, who was sneaking away, said:
Thank you very much Mr. Elephant! (And) the elephant said: Litlleeee antttttttt! What about our deal??

Lembrando que "across" é o advérbio ou preposição ("to swim / wade / walk across the river"). O verbo seria "to cross".

Quanto a "twitter": eu penso que "twitter" é mais comum em referência a pássaros. "Birds twittering in the distance". "Squeak" seria uma opção mais genérica e abrangente, descrevendo o "gritinho" de uma formiga.

Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
Hehe... Muito bom ! Obrigado mais uma vez

O Twittered eu vi uma vez em um livro, e tens razão era um pássaro !! ;D