Correção de Texto: Then the lights went out

Then the lights went out

The electrical system have always worked well in my neighborrhood. But, it haven't been true for the last months. Last week, for example, I was having a shower when I heard a big bang coming from the streets. Then, the lights went out. After I have finished my cold shower in the middle of the darkness I discovered that the problem was a transformer which has burned.

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
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Then the lights went out

The electrical system has always worked well in my neighborhood. But, it hasn't been true for the last months. Last week, for example, I was having a shower when I heard a big bang coming from the streets. Then, the lights went out. After I finished my cold shower in the middle of the darkness, I discovered that the problem was a transformer which had burned out.