Correção de texto: Transgenic Creatures

Who knows what creatures the human being has created. I have seen many strange animals on the internet which were genetically modified. I heard some rumors that the army might have made some experimental with some animals to create some strange and scary creatures. No way we can know what is going on out there, what horrors they might have created and keeping in a cage. I know this might sound like a fiction, but this is possible, I just hope that nothing bad happen to us and to the other living being.

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3 respostas
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gian2hard 1 7 52
Hey Roger!

Who knows what creatures the human beings has have created. I have seen many strange, genetically modified animals on the internet. I have heard some rumors that the army might have made some experimental experimented with on some animals to create some strange and scary creatures. There is no way we can know what is going on out there, what horrific creatures they might have created and are keeping in a cage caged. I know this might sound like a fiction, but this is possible, I just hope that nothing bad happen to us and to the other living beings.

gian, apenas uma correçãozinha: "... nothing bad happens to us..."
thank you very much, I aprechiate it. It really helped me a lot.