Correção de Texto: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

As Murphy always said, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. If you drop a slice of bread which has a side with butter and the other side without butter, it is sure that the side with butter will face the floor. If you holding a rope and it can break, it is sure that it will break. If you have an important meeting and you need your transportation arrive on time, it is sure the transportation will be late. Damn Murphy!

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1 resposta
Whatever can go wrong, will (go wrong) ( não precisa escrever o go wrong novamente, não está errado mas sempre tente não ser repetitivo)

According to murphy(As murphy always said/As said by murphy), whatever can go wrong, will.If you drop a slice of bread, whichever side has butter will be facing the floor. If you are holding a rope, and it can break, withought a doubt it will(cuidado com a repetitividade)("it is sure that it will break" é uma tradução literal, e soa extremamente mal, é mais recomendado o uso de "You can be sure/certain it will break" "It will surely break" "Surely it will break")(lembrando que break pode ser omitido em quase todos os exemplos anteriores). If you have an important meeting and need your transportation TO arrive on time, it will certainly be late.
Damn you Murphy!