Correção de tradução: ''The plane was flying...''

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O avião passava próximo a um dos pés gigantescos, e a tripulação assombrada logo podia visualizar uma gigantesca forma humana deitada de bruços. Enquanto os ocupantes da aeronave viam parte de uma das pernas passar à direita, câmeras fotográficas de alta definição fotografavam e filmavam o achado. E o piloto e o co-piloto sentiram-se gelar ao repararem que o que viam respirava, por causa das oscilações das costas. Breve, a tripulação via, a quilômetros abaixo dela, a gigantesca mão esquerda estirada e com os dedos erguidos, que os ocupantes do aparelho, estupefatos, estimaram que só a palma deveria ter cerca de 4 Km de comprimento.

The plane was flying close to a gigantic foot, the haunted crew soon could see a gigantic human form lying face down. While the aircraft`s occupants saw part of a huge leg passing by right window, high-definition cameras was photographing and filming the finding. The pilot and copilot felt a shiver when they noticed what they saw was breathing because of swings on the huge back. Soon, the crew glanced at, kilometers below them, the giant left hand stretched with raised fingers, the crew, stupefied, calculated that the palm were wide about 4 km long.

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3 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Here a kick-off. Others, certainly will help us to polish it. See you around.

The plane made a flight pass, by visual inspection it soon became clear that it was flying close to a gigantic foot. The haunted crew could see a gigantic human form lying face down. In the meanwhile/at the same time, the aircraft´s occupants/passengers saw part of a huge/gigantic leg passing by the right window.
High-definition cameras were photographing and filming the finding. The pilot and co-pilot felt a shiver when they detected breathing movement , because of the moviments of the rib cage and back muscles.
Soon, the crew had a full view of him, kilometers below them, the giant left hand stretched with raised fingers. The crew, stupefied, believed that just the palm were wide about 4 km long!
Valeu, Paulo pelas correções!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It was nothing! It´s my pleasure to be of help. ;)