Correção de "uma letra de música punk"

Gostaria que vcs revisassem a letra de uma música para verificar se contém erros, ou trechos que podem ser melhorados para soar com mais naturalidade.
Segue a letra:

Ship That Caveboy Back

I don't want this mess,
Don't let it in my house
Take it back to you and
Ship that Caveboy back! [3x]
Ship that Caveboy back!

He has told the same story
over and over again,
I'm tired of hosting him, oh,
Ship that Caveboy back

His hair's on burning fire,
All ladies are shouting on caution
Oh, laughing and shouting on caution, oh,
Ship that Caveboy back!

Oh, talk down, please!
Oh, he's afraid of the guys,
I can't take him anymore, oh,
Ship that Caveboy back!

I don't want this mess,
Don't let it in my house
Take it back to you and
Ship that Caveboy back! [1x]
Ship that Caveboy back!

He fears atomic ice cream,
Oh, where did he find this mess?
Oh, take it back to you, oh,
Ship that Caveboy back!

He wants mushroom tea,
But he's afraid of getting high
He gave it to cats but they laughed off,
Ship that Caveboy back!

I'm singing the same song again, again and again,
What the hell happened to me, oh,
Ship that caveboy back!
Ship that caveboy back!
Ship that caveboy back!

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
5 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Uma sugestão:
don't want this mess,
Don't leave it at my house
Take it back to you and
Ship that Caveboy back! [3x]
Ship that Caveboy back!
Valeu Donay!

E fico feliz de saber que é a "única sugestão", achei que tivessem muitos erros... haha

Eu tinha pensado nessa variação, com "leave" ao invés de "let". Mas, qual a diferença entre elas? "Leave" me dá a entender que é no sentido de: "não esqueça isso em casa", enquanto "Let" me dá a entender que é no sentido de "não deixe/entregue isso em casa". É isso mesmo? No caso eu queria dar a entender que é não "entregue" isso" em casa mesmo, fica errado ou esquisito se ficar assim? Ou eu deveria usar leave em ambos os casos?

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Este link pode ser útil:

Leave x let
Telma Regina 9 65 608
Hi Riverdragon

You could add some more slangs to your lyrics.
You could say "dump" instead of "leave" as you're saying about a mess.
You can also say "drop".

"I don1t want this mess
don't dump it at my house..."
entendi, muito obrigado pelas ajudas!!!