Correção do Texto "I don't like soccer"

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I don't like soccer.

I really was born in the wrong country. Is it possible someone borns in the country of the soccer and doesn’t like soccer? I have nothing against soccer, but it’s really boring for me. I don’t know how to play, even in the video game, and I don’t get the soccer dribblings on TV. If a soccer player does a great goal and another does a goal just for luck, I don’t get the difference.

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

I really was born in the wrong country. Is it possible for someone to be born in the country of soccer and not like soccer? I have nothing against soccer, but it’s really boring for me. I don’t know how to play it, even in the video game, and I don’t get the soccer dribblings on TV. If a soccer player scores a great goal and another one scores a goal just by luck, I don’t really see any difference.

Bons estudos!
Thank you! :-)