Correção do texto: What´s your favorite sport?

My favorite series is volleyball. Played it since my twelve years old. I started playing at school during at the recess and on the gym class.
I participated in competitions at school. I won some medal that I still keep.
Nowadays I still play volleyball. I play on Thursday and Saturday. Thursday night I play in XXXX and on Saturday I play in YYYYY.
On YYYYY the game is more fun because the people aren´t as competitive. In XXXX the players just want to win.
On Fridays I played in SSSSS. There was very fun. I stopped playing there because I am studying this day.
I love to play volleyball because it´s very fun. The volleyball is also a great exercise. It has developed teamwork.

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Título: What is your favorite sport?
My favorite (sport) is volleyball.
(I have) played it since (I was) twelve years old. I started to play at school during (break) (1) and at P.E. class (2).
I participated in competitions at school (and) won some medals, (which) I still keep.
Nowadays, I still play volleyball. I play on Thursdays and Saturdays. On Thursday nights I play in XXXX, and on Saturdays I play in YYYYY.
On YYYYY, the game is more fun because the people (who play there) aren't as competitive (as the ones) in XXXX, (who) just want to win.
(I used to play) in SSSSS on Fridays. (It was) very fun (to play there, too). I stopped playing there because (now) I study (on) this day.
I love to play volleyball because it’s very fun. Volleyball is also a great exercise (and) it has developed (my) teamwork (3).

(1) Break (intervalo) é a forma mais usada para se referir ao tempo entre alguns dos períodos de estudo;
(2) P.E. class, ou Physical Education class, é como se refere a aula de Educação Física;
(3) Sugestão, para caso você esteja se referindo aos benefícios do esporte: "About its benefits, volleyball is a great exercise and helps to develop teamwork".
Ancrispa 9 55
My favourite (British English: favourite/ American English favorite – just out of curiosity, ok?) sport is volleyball.
I’ve been playing it since my twelve years old. I started playing at school during the recess and in physical education classes. (or P.E classes)

I’ve participated in some competitions at school. I won some medals that I still keep.
(Nowadays I still play volleyball. - you don’t need to say that taking into consideration you already mentioned above you’ve been playing volleyball since your childhood)
I play on Thursdays and Saturdays. On Thursday night I play at Blue gym and on Saturday I play at red gym.

At Blue gym (for example- to say a name of a place, we use the preposition at) the game is more fun because the people aren´t so competitive. At Red gym the players just want to win.
Example: Where do you work?
I work at IBM.
I work at Saraiva bookstore.

On Fridays I played at red gym. It used to be very fun. Or: I used to have a great time there, but I stopped playing because I have to study on this day.
( I stopped playing there because I am studying this day.)

I love to play volleyball ( or you can say I love playing volleyball – British English) because it´s very fun. Volleyball is also a great exercise. Since I started practicing it, it has developed my teamwork abilities.