Correção: My father won this trip on a bonus of the company

Qual o problema com a frase em negrito?

"In June, I and my family went to Port of Chickens, what is near Recife in Brazil. We went from Natal to João Pessoa by car and from João Pessoa to Port of Chickens by bus. My father won this trip on a bonus of the company where he works."

Se o trecho acima contiver algum erro além da frase em negrito, por favor me informe.

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In this case you could think the following way:
Which is used to to a object or incident, opinion. It is used in questions directed to a point.

What - it can be used in a more generalized manner, can be used to draw opinions or to arrive at conclusions and scenarios.

As you know (and everyone knows as well) that Porto de Galinhas is a city near Recife, for a fact. It´s not deduced from opinions or something, then we use "which".
Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
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Algumas Sugestões:

* Sempre mantenha nomes própios de cidades e pessoas como são na língua nativa local (inclusive na pronúncia).

" In June, MY family and I went to Porto de Galinhas, WHICH is LOCATED near the TOWN of Recife in Brazil. We went TO THERE from Natal to João Pessoa by car and THEN, WE HEADED TOWARD Porto de Galinhas by bus. My father won this INCENTIVE TRIP/TRAVEL FROM the company HE WORKS FOR. "
Qual o problema de usar what em vez de which?