Correção de texto: Personal Presentation [7897]

Texto original:

Meu nome é Paulo, tenho 38 anos. Sou casado e tenho dois filhos. Nasci e cresci em São paulo.

Sou formado em Administração pela USP e tenho MBA em Gerenciamento de Projetos pela FGV.

Trabalho na AirBrasil desde 2009, onde sou supervisor da área de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento. AirBrasil é uma das maiores fabricantes de aviões do mundo. O maior feito de nossa equipe foi a redução dos custos na linha de produção de produção em 10%.

A minha meta é produzir a aeronave com o menor consumo de combustível até 2020.


My name is Paulo, I’m 38. I’m married and have two kids. I was born and raised in Sao Paulo.

I have a degree in Business Administration from USP and I have an MBA in project management from FGV.

I work for AirBrasil since 2009 as a Research and Development Supervisor. AirBrasil is one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. Our biggest achievement was the reduction of the production costs by 10%.

My goal is to produce the most fuel-efficient airplane until 2020.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
7 respostas
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2 23
Yes, It is quite good. However, if this is for formal writing, I would not use "kids" but children. Also the last line is awkward. I would say My goal is to produce the most fuel efficient airplane for at least the next four years or until at least 2020. I find the whole idea of the last sentence strange. Does he mean his goal is to produce the most fuel efficient airplane within 4 years or by 2020? I see he used até but I can't imagine saying something like that in English. Maybe, I am going to produce the most fuel efficient airplane of any that exists today. I don't know but It seems very odd in English.
Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
23 127 1.7k
Sugestões de correção:
My name is Paulo, I’m 38. I’m married and have two children. I was born and raised in Sao Paulo.

I have a degree in Business Administration from USP and I have an MBA in project management from FGV.

I have worked ou I have been working for AirBrasil since 2009 as a Research and Development Supervisor. AirBrasil is one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. Our greatest achievement was a reduction of production costs by 10%.

My goal is to produce the most fuel-efficient airplane until 2020.
Comentários adicionais:

- "Children" é uma opção mais adequada do que "kids" para este tipo de contexto (mais formal).
- Para dizer que "trabalha há xx tempo", deve-se usar "have/has worked" ou "have/has been working".
- Palavras como "great", "real" e "remarkable" combinam melhor com "achievement" do que "big".
- Para uma pessoa que está lendo o texto pela primeira vez, "a" (indefinido) é mais natural do que "the" (definido, já conhecido) em "a reduction".
- Soa mais natural, a meu ver, não usar o artigo "the" em "reduction of production costs".

Bons estudos.
9 65 608

My name is Paulo (add surname), I’m 38. I’m married and have two children (Note: kids is a slang, try and using in Business English). I was born and raised in Sao Paulo.

I have a degree in Business Administration (USP - University of São Paulo) and a MBA in Project Management (FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas).

I work for AirBrasil, since 2009, as a Research and Development Supervisor. AirBrasil is one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. Our best (avoid using biggest, use other words, such as best, largest) achievement was the 10% reduction of production costs.

My goal is to try to assist (beware of false or impossible promises) producing the most fuel-efficient airplane by 2020.

Best Regards,

6 49 1.3k
As your final paragraph mentioned "Our biggest achievement was the reduction of production costs by 10%." why not let the following information go togheter? So it could be reworded as the following:

Our biggest achievement was the reduction of the production costs by 10%. Now our goal is to produce the most fuel-efficient airplane until 2020. That is also a personal goal for me.

By stating that "my goal..." may strike the reader as you don´t being inclined to teamwork, and have that feeling of self aggrandizement, even megalomania.
We know that is not that case, I know for my self because I studied management (granted, the basics, and it´s about planning, dealing with people and such), but what happens is that the choice of words can make the right or wrong effect, that is a fact.
Congratulations on your piece of text and for being brave enough to submit, and now you have an alternative way to express that information.
You are a promising learner and writer here, keep up the good work! By the way, only someone from intermediate level or higher could spot something to correct in your writing, no basic mistakes.
1 2 23
My name is Paulo and I’m 38. (a comma doesn't work here since "I'm married" is its own sentence). I’m married and have two kids. I was born and raised in Sao Paulo.

I have a degree in Business Administration from USP and I have an MBA in project management from FGV.

I have worked for AirBrasil since 2009 as a Research and Development Supervisor. AirBrasil is one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. Our biggest achievement was the reduction of (remove the) production costs by 10%. (Or "reducing production costs")

My goal is to produce the most fuel-efficient airplane (use by instead of until) 2020.

Everything else looks great!
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
Muito obrigado a todos pelas colaborações. Vejam a versão que fiz a partir das correções enviadas.
My name is Paulo Barbosa and I’m 38. I’m married and have two children. I was born and raised in Sao Paulo.

I have a degree in Business Administration from USP (University of São Paulo) and I have an MBA in Project Management from FGV (Fundação Getulio Vargas).

I have been working for AirBrasil since 2009 as a Research and Development Supervisor. AirBrasil is one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. Our greatest achievement was a reduction of production costs by 10%.

Our goal is to produce the most fuel-efficient airplane within 4 years.
O que acharam?
23 127 1.7k
Está ótimo. Eu não mudaria nada.