Correção de texto: Every year is the same [8795]

Todo ano é a mesma coisa!
Nós sabemos que todo o ano tem que pagar várias contas, e de novo esquecemo-nos da promessa feita no início daquele ano, quando inicia ano seguinte o dinheiro não existe mais. Um dos motivos foi à falta de planejamento de novo, gastou muito no natal, comprou coisas indevidas e assim segue. Outra coisa somos consumidores de verdade, até mesmo sem querer, nós precisamos de uma atitude séria sobre tantos gastos excessivos. Mas afinal, em comparação do ano que passou com o ano vigente, quais as diferenças estão sendo refletido, avanço com dívida ou em projetos arriscados? Vamos refletir um pouco!

Every year is the same!
We know that every year we have to pay several bills, and again we forget the promise made at the beginning of that year, when the next year starts, the money no longer exists. One of the reasons was the lack of planning again, spent a lot on Christmas, bought improper things and so on. Another thing is that we are real consumers, even unintentionally, we need a serious attitude about so much excessive spending. But after all, compared to the past year with the current year, what differences are being reflected, advancement with debt or in risky projects? Let's reflect a little!

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Sugestões de correção:
Every year is the same thing!
We know that every year we have to pay a lot of bills, and again we forget our promise made at the beginning of that year, and when the next year starts, we're all out of money. One of the reasons is lack of planning: you spend a lot at Christmas, buy unnecessary things, and so on. Another reason is that we are really consumerist even unintentionally. We need a more serious attitude about so much excessive spending. But after all, comparing the past year with the current year, what differences are being reflected, debt increase or risky projects? We should reflect a little!
Bons estudos.
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
6 49 1.3k
Here goes the first very very raw draft! So, it´s imperfect and others may chime in and improve it. You can notice that I tinkered with some things of your text. Anyway, others may give their more literal version, in the whole or partially. It´s perfectly fine if they do.

Some things never change! /
Every year is the same (old) story!

We all know that at the beginning of the year dozens of household bills are coming, but again and again we forget our New Year´s financial resolution (for the coming year). And here we are again, living on a tight budget.
In fact, one of the key reasons is the lack of strategic planning (and sometimes indiscipline), much money was spent of Christmas´ time and compulsive buying at play, and the list of causes goes on and on.
We have to think seriously about our role as consumers, even if it makes us uncomfortable, we have to reevaluate/re-evaluate our spending habits and start shopping based on meaningful consumption. The spending based on usefulness and on what on what it contributes to our lives.
Now, at this time, what changes have you made in your debts or moves towards risky debts?
Its a good time to stop and re-evaluate things, take a look at what we deem the essential in life, and free up some time, money and energy to what matters most.