Correção de texto: Stress in the work [7898]

In our actual days there is a presence of very people with a lot of difficults in your work, the stress have been a agravate in life then.Very questions about this problems, as for exemplo it all periods in at crises and demission, where the searh to get a new work and keep in the own work is easier. What can do we about the problem ? Very people have look professionals inside the psicologia area, to help in this area, with big necessity to tratament these typs to the sicks. Others people aren't going help to type of problem provocated in your works. Should a great idea have be a app to keep employees informed about some help possible, how ONGS and Medical Clinic's . The possibilities to help employees could be more accessible with a viability intensive, so the people working very on the actually, says and don't have very preoccupation with a perfecta cheers. We will help the family the parents, mom, dad and friends and neighbors and every one who needs a cure.

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
4 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Algumas sugestões de correção:
These days there is a presence of many people with a lot of difficulties at work, the stress has been a agravate in life then. Many questions about these problems, as for example it all periods in at crises and demission , where the search to get a new job and keep in the own work is easier. What can do we about the problem ? Many people have look professionals inside the psicology area, to help in this area, with big necessity to treatment these tips to the sicks. Other people aren't going to help to type of problem provocated in your works. Should a great idea have be an app to keep employees informed about some help possible, like ONGS and Medical Clinics. The possibilities to help employees could be more accessible with a viability intensive, so the people working very on the actually, says and don't have very preoccupation with a perfect cheers. We will help the family the parents, mom, dad and friends and neighbors and every one who needs a cure.
Bons estudos.
Leonardo96 19 293
Desculpa, mas tem muita coisa que nem entendi. Donay fez algumas correçoes mas é verdade é que praticamente tudo precisa ser corrigido, mas nao entendendo o que voce quis dizer fica difícil de modificar pra uma versao gramaticamente correta. Se voce pudesse reescrever o texto em portugues, vou ficar feliz de ajudar passando pro ingles depois.
Ok , TUDO bem. EU criei em English mesmo.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Ufa! Realmente estava bem generalizado. Assim a minha tentativa é esta, pode ser que eu tenha levado para outra direção em certos trechos. Em algumas partes senti que podia mudar algumas coisas (ou talvez fui muito ousado em pensar que sabia o que autor pensou...)
Bom, um "guesswork". Misturei um pouco de suposição de minha parte, talvez o Donay não quis se aventurar e arriscar estar "errado" (assumindo que o outro pensou isto ou aquilo - e aproveitou o texto o máximo que pôde).
Agora faço minhas as palavras do Donay (nunca foram tão verdadeiras): sugestão de correção [1]:

These days more and more people need to cope with a demanding workplace ( sometimes along with taxing environment at home). That gets worst at times of layoffs and crisis when many end up having to seek a new job.
Other times, life work is easier, but even so, employees get sick because of the need for performance, tight deadlines, and so on.
So, what can we do about it? How to minimize the effect of work-related stressors? Wouldn´t be great to have an App that would help the employee with information about help to those affected by stress? About NGOs and occupational health?
This way, help could be more accessible and would provide effective ways to regulate personal stress before it gets almost unmanageable, perhaps even more important to those that live in denial, acting the cheerful one even feeling close to the breaking point.
It could offer tips to relieve pressure and avoid negative stress, and it could also benefit others – family, friends – with such knowledge and information, who might be in need of it.

[1] a intenção não é criticar, apenas deixar o estudante de inglês ciente de que:
Ele tem potencial e que pode melhorar algumas pontos para viabilizá-lo. Além de ajudar os outros membros a entender suas necessidades e elaborar a resposta mais exata e adequada possível. E em menor tempo.