Correção de texto: How to create your own game [6546]

Most people who like play videogame would like to create their own games based on their ideas, I like playing video game a lot, I've always been crazy about games and one of my dreams is to create my own game, but do you know how to do it?
Well, to create a game it is necessary to have a team to develop the game or do you want to create it alone? Well, I'm not saying it's impossible to create a game alone, but it's gonna take a long time for the game to be done if you're doing it alone, so creating a game with a team is more simpler, easy and fast.
On a team, you're gonna need a Programmer, a Game Designer, an Artist, a Director, a Screenwriter of Games and in short, a Game tester.
Now I'm gonna show the function of each of them below.

Programmer: The one who programs the game, The programmer handles the game's programming and check it if something is wrong in the game.

Game Designer: The one who designs the game, a Game Designer is responsible for modeling of the characters and the game scenario of the game.

Artist: The one who draws the characters and the Game scenarios and send them to be modelled on computer by the Game Designer.

Director: The one who leads the team during the development of the game

Screenwriter: The one who creates the story of the game, a Screenwriter is responsible for the creation of the characters and the game environment.

Game Tester: The one who test the game to see if there is any problem which should be fixed.

Well, if you create a game alone, get ready, because you're gonna have to do all the work, so it's better create a game witha team, don't you think?

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Most people who like to play video games would like to create their own games based on their ideas. I like playing video games a lot. I've always been crazy about games and one of my dreams is to create my own game, but do you know how to do it?
Well, to create a game it is necessary to have a team to develop the game or do you want to create it alone? Well, I'm not saying it's impossible to create a game alone, but it's going to take a long time for the game to be done if you're doing it alone, so creating a game with a team is more simple, easy and fast.
On a team, you're going to need a Programmer, a Game Designer, an Artist, a Director, a Screenwriter of Games and in short, a Game tester.
Now I'm going to show the function of each of them below.

Programmer: The one who programs the game, The programmer handles the game's programming and checks it if something is wrong in the game.

Game Designer: The one who designs the game, a Game Designer is responsible for the modeling of the characters and the game scenario.

Artist: The one who draws the characters and the Game scenarios and sends them to be modelled on computer by the Game Designer.

Director: The one who leads the team during the development of the game.

Screenwriter: The one who creates the story of the game, a Screenwriter is responsible for the creation of the characters and the game environment.

Game Tester: The one who tests the game to see if there are any problems which should be fixed.

Well, if you create a game alone, get ready, because you're going to have to do all the work, so it's better to create a game with a team, don't you think?
Bons estudos.