Correção: we are living tough moments

I'm here again with my texts :).

Today, I don't have many doubts. I just wanted that the followed passage in bold to be clarified.

We are living tough moments. Before this COVID-19 outbreak, I was living in another city and my schedule was really tight in a such way that I couldn't be with my family all the time. Today, my life has changed dramatically. I have been living with my family and I have realised how important they are in my life.

We are living through tough moments. Before this COVID-19 outbreak, I was living in another city and my schedule was really tight, in a such way, that I couldn't be with my family all the time. Today, my life has changed dramatically. I have been living with my family and I have realised how important they are in my life.

As you can see, guys, the only correction that I received is in bold. When I say "We are living tough moments.", is it sounds odd or "We are living through tough moments." is just another way to express the idea that I wanted to express?

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2 22 127
Tough or rough times would be the natural expression. There's not a huge difference between in and through here, to my ears.

"We are living in/through rough/tough times."
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
19 293
"living through tough moments" isn't very natural or even necessary. If it was "going through tough moments" it would be ok, but "living through" is unnecessary, just "living tough moments" is fine. I would also change: in a such way, that I couldn't be with my family all the time. (to the point that I could hardly ever be with my family anymore). With "in such a way" it just doesn't fit very well into that specific sentence, and when you say "that I couldn't be with my family all the time" you would be implying that you can't spend 100% of the time with your family, which is normal, and not that you're not getting to spend any time at all with them, due to your schedule being tight, which is the context here.
19 293
And to clarify, "living through tough moments" isn't natural in the specific context at hand. You can say "live through" something when you're talking about surviving a difficult period. You could say "The pandemic has been tough, but we'll live through it". Also it is "does it sound..." rather than " is it sounds"
Muito obrigada a todos. Mil perdões pela demora. Eu fiquei sem internet desde ontem e não consegui responder antes.