COVID-19: How to help the elderly and people with underlying conditions living alone?

Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Coronavirus Disease 2019

10 ways you can help the elderly and people with underlying conditions living alone


1. Check on them frequently, preferably by phone given the risk of transmission.

2. If you visit them, maintain a distance of at least 1 meter and avoid physical contact.

3. Buy groceries, supplies and medicine for them.

4. Make sure they have at least a month's stock of all their regular medicines in case they need to stay home.

5. Help them connect with doctors, neighbors, friends and family if needed.

6. Remind them to wash their hands frequently, keep objects and surfaces clean, and avoid physical contact with those who are sick.

7. Make a plan in case they fall ill and decide how transportation will be arranged to seek health care.

8. Encourage them to maintain a healthy lifestyle: eat nutritious food, get enough sleep, don't smoke, stay active and limit alcohol use.

9. Be kind and show empathy. Talk and listen to them. Help them cope with stress. Once the pandemic is over, you will hug again!

10. If your loved one is in a home for the elderly, avoid visits. Use phone, video chat or email to keep in touch.


REFERENCE: PAHO - Pan American Health Organization (OPAS - Organização Pan-americana da Saúde). 07-04-2020.

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2 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Está traduzido, mas vale lembrar que "condition" neste caso significa "doença leve"/problema de saúde/enfermidade.

Traduziram (e muito bem) como "doenças pre-existentes", se o foco fossem em doenças mais sérias, de maior risco quando associadas à nova doença (ou "doença principal" (em estudo/a ser estudada) em artigos acadêmicos aí seria "comorbidities" (comorbidades).
Parabéns Ricardo, pela iniciativa.
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Thank you PPAULO.