Cry for x Cry over: Qual a diferença

Hello everybody,

I came across with two expressions that involve the verb cry. I saw them in two different songs.

The first is cry over: Why should I cry overyou? ( No meu entendimento seria Por que eu deveria chorar por você?)

The other is cry for: Don't cry forme! (Não chore por mim!)

The question is: Cry over and cry for have the same meaning or are there diferences?

I look forward to your responses!

So long

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4 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Just taking a whack over it. (... a whack in reference to, concerning, or about it)

To "cry over" someone a person would have to position oneself it on or on top of someone, at which occasion tears would probably fall on the other person's head.

To "cry for" someone a person would principally have to yearn for someone.

To cry over spilt milk someone would have to position oneself at, on or around, and then shed tears above, all the milk spilt on the floor, whereas to cry for spilt milk would involve some yearning for all the lost milk on the floor.
Thanks Marcio,

but let me see if I undertood...

Cry over seria derramar lágrimas por/em cima de outra pessoa e cry for seria chorar por causa de uma pessoa que você gosta muito? É isso? Confesso que ainda estou com dúvidas quando devo usar um ou outro.
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Yes, more often than not crying with for involves a yearning or a desire. Crying with over simply involves the positioning of one's body directly on or on top of an object, for example. BUT you might cry "over" the loss of a family member, which means you might cry "about" or "as a result of" the loss of a family member. Ditto ditto you might cry over the sudden departure of yet another family member from home.

On the native English-speaking side, Henry Cunha and Thomas may have other explanations. So may Bill Slayman and Mary Ziller, provided they both get back on the forum.
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Now, what to say of a sentence such as "Plenty of spilled milk to cry over for"? Now we have an over followed by a for, both of which indicate an object of solicitude, interest, consideration, or reference. Which does what? Won't a stand-alone "cry for" suffice by itself? Will a "cry over" alone do the job or not?