Dica de Leitura: Artigo em inglês sobre o Futebol Brasileiro

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Mesmo não gostando de futebol e do Corinthians, acho ainda assim que vale a pena ler este artigo em inglês da CNN sobre o Mundial Interclubes. Se você é corintiano(Corinthians fan), então, nem se fala. O texto é leve, simples e tem a ver com a nossa cultura, o que é muito importante para o aprendizado

Nagoya, Japan (CNN) -- Marcos Nunes swigs from his badly concealed bottle of red wine on a chilly street corner in the Japanese city of Nagoya before deciding the question was something between a joke and an insult.

"Why have we come here?" he asks tetchily before offering his bottle, sloppily wrapped in a blue plastic bag. He is wearing a black and white football shirt.

"Corinthians is like a nation, a religion ... people are borrowing money from banks, from relatives to come here. They are quitting their jobs, selling their bikes, their cars, even their fridges. It's true."

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