Diferença entre ''Half'' e ''Moiety''

Como dizer metade em inglês seria Half ou Moiety?
Pesquisei no google tradutor e deu Moiety como segunda definição para falar metade
Qual seria a diferença entre elas?

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2 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Moiety comes from the Chemistry area:

The protein moiety of the molecule contributes about 58% of total molecular weight and consists of 165 amino acids.
A metade proteica da molécula contribui para cerca de 58% do peso molecular total e é composta por 165 aminoácidos.

Anyway, most of the time it means "fração/porção", generally a molecule is defined as made up of two groups "moiety" and the rest...(just kidding around :-) ) and smaller functional groups.

The term moiety should be reserved to describe the larger characteristic parts of molecules and not used to describe smaller functional groups.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Half is when you have something "fifty-fifty", divided into two, in two equal portions.

As adjective it would mean that something done was left incomplete, unfinished, half-complete (feito pela metade), half-finished (deixaram a tarefa pelo meio), defficient/imperfect (half-knowledge is dangerous...).