Shade e Shadow: Qual é a diferença?

MarcosV 1
Qual é a diferença entre shade e shadow?


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Sim, há e a principal diferença é que:

Shade é uma proteção contra os raios do sol.

Shadow é a imagem escura formada por um objeto em uma superfície quando este objeto está entre a luz e essa superfície.

A shadow is a dark shape made by something that blocks the sun or a light.
• She saw his shadow on the wall.
Shadow is an area of darkness made like this
• The side of the valley was in shadow.
Shade is a cool dark area where the sun does not reach, made by the shadow of something such as a tree or wall
• Let's eat our lunch in the shade.
• He sat under the shade of a tree.

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Ref. engvid
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Why do we say "These is no shadow of a doubt..." when we mean something is unquestionably a certain way?
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
H, você ia escrever "There..." mas acabou escrevendo "These..." A propósito, não sei responder à sua pergunta.
Henry Cunha escreveu:Why do we say "These is no shadow of a doubt..." when we mean something is unquestionably a certain way?

I think the phrase "There is no shadow of a doubt" means the issue in question is so obvious or was so proven that there isn't any doubt about it, not even a shadow of it can be seen anymore. It is used figuratively, as if a doubt could produce a shadow.

What do you think?
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Oh, such a nice answer! Yes, we think in metaphors, don't we? If you illuminate an issue from every possible angle, there will be no shadow cast...
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Henry Cunha escreveu: 23 Mai 2014, 12:36 Why do we say "These is no shadow of a doubt..." when we mean something is unquestionably a certain way?
Beyond a shadow of a doubt”.