Do you play any musical instrument?

I've been playing the bass for many years... without any talent! :D
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
Yes, I play the guitar. This is great for me, however I need to learn more.
Yes, I play acoustic guitar, I leanerd when was eight.
EugenioTM 7 48
Certainly! I've played the acoustic guitar since 2007. I've been playing ''fingerstyle'' for 2 years, but I stopped due to excessive string breaks. They make a huge impact on my wallet and, therefore, pisses me off! Anyway, I still love listening to this sort of music, like Andy Mckee, Craig D'Andrea, Antoine Dufour, Don Ross... They're amazing.

I think I crossed the line of discussion on the topic, but that's it!
No, I don't. I want to learn drums and sometimes I sing but I'm not a good singer, I'm a shower singer hahaha
I play acoustic guitar, especially american/UK songs because i like to find out the meaning of the lyrics, this is one of the reasons that i am studying english.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
I admire who play any musical instrument, mainly the violin. I thing it have a wonderful sound, I made Class, but unfortunately I had to stop. In next July, I will watch the show Andre Rieu in São Paulo. He plays very well, and his orchestra its so beautiful. But soon I will return to class.
Jerry Dorien 4 48
I don`t play yet, but I aways loved the sound of guitar, by the way I bought one last year, I`m trying to learn but it is very hard, the training process is painful and stressful.

All the best
OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
I play the Acoustic and electric guitar. I also play the ukulele =)
And I have plans to start playing keyboard this year!
I play the guitar. I'm terrible, but I like it.
Unfortunately, I don't. I can't understand how do people learn it so easy! It's so sad... :(
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
Yes, I do! I play guitar (usually acoustic guitar), I enjoy playing folk music and instrumental songs. I also used to play trumpet, but I didn't play it for about 4 years.
No, I don't. But I'd like to learn how to play electric guitar and drum.
No... Two years ago I was learning guitar, but by personal reasons I had to leave the classrooms. Maybe in future I will back to learn again.
When I was five-ish my mom started me on flute but it didn’t last too long. After that, I came up with the acoustic guitar ideia and turns out I didn’t have what it got to be a musician, so now I play both air guitar and air drums. It’s easier and kind of funny. A little disturbing for who’s watching, tough but why should I care? I rule!! Hahaha :)
Yes, I do! I play lira in a martial band in my school.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
Yes, I do.
No, I don't. I don't know how to play nothing instrument.
Hi! I play guitar and I`d like to learn harmonica.
I'd like to learn guitar, violin and drums, but right now I don't know how to play nothing.