Been + "is" com sentido de "esteve"

Galera, vi os seguintes exemplos:
  • I’ve been to London once.
  • She’s been to Italy.
  • He had been to Brazil.
  • My son had been sking about it.
Eu vi que basicamente elas frases dão o sentido de "esteve".

Minha dúvidas é: eu posso usar: been + is dando o sentido de "esteve"?

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Redseahorse 4 36 579

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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Do you see a pattern?

• I’ve been to London once.
• She’s been to Italy.
• He had been to Brazil.

• My son has been skiing there since 2003. 

Sure you can see it.

simple-past-x-present-past-perfect-como ... 6467.html

So, the estructure has (third person singular to he/she/it subjects) OR have (to the remaining ones) to talk about places where you visited. The structure keeps coming some king of "has/have" (auxiliary verb) and some kind of to be (been - is part participle of TO BE).

Ah, speaking of structures: you didn´t notice that She´s would mean “she has” (I know didn´t, don´t lie to dad, be a good boy – so Santa Claus will bring you toys and gifts in December). ;-)

Not always, “ ´s” will mean the verb TO BE "is", when we speak of having been to places it would mean the auxiliary ‘’has”, so when you see.

With e´s/she´s (followed by “been to”) you now know that it means he has/she has been to, which is our case here.

The sentence “He had been to Brazil.”, to my thinking should have come along with another verb (or explanation, etc), it “going alone” looks like “dangling”, for illustration´s sake:
I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.

See? “before I went” works like I said above. Of course, the sentence could go “alone” in the context of something said or explained above, in another sentence within the paragraph, etc. But without context I found it better to clarify the point.

I hope it clarifies things for you. If not, you can always make a follow-up question, feel free to.