É correto dizer ''It depends on the context which is inserted.''?

Pois pesquisei no Google e não achei nenhuma frase estruturada desta forma.

Plus, se você tiver alguma tip de como pesquisar frases no google bem especificas seriam de boa ajuda.
Eu uso as "aspas" geralmente.

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2 respostas
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Leonardo96 19 293
Quase. Voce pode dizer:

It depends on the context in which it's inserted.
It depends on the context it's inserted in.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
And also some other alternatives:
...in the context it´s been used
...in the context it´s been meant in
...in the context it´s intended
...in the context it´s delivered

In the underlying context
In the underlying context factor

But sometimes you could just use "it depends on context" - or synonyms and related expressions "under the circumstances/considering the background/surrounding context". And other ways.

Plus, sometimes we could specify which context "depends on the economic context/on the regional OR world context, etc.