Ever ou Never: Qual utilizar?

Ever ou never? Como eu diria em inglês: "Não podemos encontrar aquilo que nunca foi perdido".

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2 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
We can´t find what never was lost.
You can´t find something that never was lost, to begin with.

Ever have a ring of "at any time" (em qualquer tempo) or combined with "never" which is an emphatic form of "never" (nunca, jamais) as in "I never ever had been to Itabuna." (nunca, jamais)

The two first sentences has a 'finite' sense to it since "...was lost" makes something that happened in the past, so "what never was lost" is what first springs to my mind.
Leonardo96 19 293
Paulo's sentences are good, except it's "was never" instead of "never was".