Everywhere X Wherever X Anywhere: Qual a diferença?

I'd like to know what is the difference of "everywhere, wherever and anywhere" ? I know that these words means "Todo lugar, todo lugar e qualquer lugar", mas qual a diferença e como usar?

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Firstly I'd say I understand the following translations:

Everywhere = em todos os lugares;
Wherever = onde quer que seja;
Anywhere = em qualquer lugar. ;)

Everywhere is also everyplace in American English.
I have been looking everywhere.

Wherever is "in any place". This word and everywhere can be the same, however, everywhere would be used as an adverb, conjunction and even pronoun. Wherever is usually a conjuction, sometimes an adverb but not a pronoun.
Sit wherever you like. Adv
There are crowds of people waiting for her wherever she goes. Conj.

Anywhere is also anyplace in American English. Is an adverb and can be a pronoun. It is used in negative sentences and questions, while its counterpart "somewhere" is used in affirmative sentences.
I can't see it anywhere.

Os dois primeiros são parecidos, o primeiro me parece mais comum, embora seu uso possa diferenciá-los já que podem ter funções diferentes numa frase ou oração.
O terceiro tem uso bem diferente como podemos ver. :roll:

