Exercício: de Inglês para Iniciantes

  Verificado por especialistas
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Preencham os espaços em branco usando "why", "when", "where", "how" e "what".

A. _is your name? 'My name is Dennis.'
B. _do you study English? 'Because English is nice.'
C. _is your birthday? My birthday is in December.
D. _are you from? 'I'm from Brazil.'
E. _are you? 'I'm fine.'
F. _do you do? 'I'm a teacher.'
G. _do you work? 'I work in a school?'
H. _are you a teacher? 'Because I like to help.'
Bons estudos.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
5 respostas
Ordenar por: Data
a. What;
b. Why;
c. When;
d. Where;
e. How;
f. What;
g. Where;
h. Why.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Aqui estão as respostas / Here are the answers

a. What
b. Why
c. When
d. Where
e. How
f. What
g. Where
h. Why

Bons estudos!
donay mendonça escreveu:Pessoal,

Preencham os espaços em branco usando "why", "when", "where", "how" e "what".

a. what__________is your name? 'My name is Dennis.'
b. _______why___do you study English? 'Because English is nice.'
c. ____when______is your birthday? My birthday is in December.
d. ___where_______are you from? 'I'm from Brazil.'
e. _____how_____are you? 'I'm fine.'
f. _____what_____do you do? 'I'm a teacher.'
g. ____where______do you work? 'I work in a school?'
h. ___why_______are you a teacher? 'Because I like to help.'

Bons estudos!
Preencham os espaços em branco usando "why", "when", "where", "how" e "what".

a. What is your name? 'My name is Dennis.'
b. Why do you study English? 'Because English is nice.'
c. When is your birthday? My birthday is in December.
d. Where are you from? 'I'm from Brazil.'
e. How are you? 'I'm fine.'
f. What do you do? 'I'm a teacher.'
g. Where do you work? 'I work in a school?'
h. Why are you a teacher? 'Because I like to help.'
