Exercício de Inglês: Respostas corretas de acordo com vídeo Mr.Bean (At the hospital)

Eu gostaria de saber se as repostas estão certas das perguntas de acordo com vídeo Mr. Bean (At the hospital).
1-) Where did Mr. Bean go?
He went in the hospital.
2-) Where did he park his car?
He parked his car in front of the hospital.
He parked his car behind the ambulance.
3-) What was Mr. Bean doing with the bandaged woman sitting in the wheelchair?
He had her ticket and put his ticket between her fingers.
He changed his ticket with her ticket.
4-) What is the number of Mr. Bean's ticket?
The number of Mr. Bean's ticket is seventy-six.
5-) Why did Mr.Bean go to the hospital?
His hand got stuck in a teapot.

Agradeço deste já pela ajuda.

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2 respostas
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Confesso que não conheço o vídeo, mas vou tentar ajudar:

1 - "He went TO the hospital".

3 - "He changed his ticket with her ticket": para dizer que uma coisa foi trocada de lugar com outra, pode sim ser correta, mas me parece um pouco diferente pois
Ouve-se mais o verbo "swap" para isso, então, pra mim, seria assim:
"He swapped his ticket for hers (her ticket).

Espero ter ajudado.
Hi! Eu vi o vídeo no youtube.