Exercício: de Interpretação - Atentado na Maratona de Boston
Verificado por especialistas
1. Esta semana houve mais um ataque terrorista nos EUA, que repercutiu mundialmente. Veja o que os pais dos suspeitos do atentado disseram em um trecho.
"In my opinion, my children were set up by the secret services because they are practising Muslims."
"This is a set up, my son would never ever carry out such terror attack. FBI knew everything what my son was doing, told me he was serious leader, that they were afraid of him. Neither of them have ever talked about what they are saying now. Nobody talked about the terrorism. My oldest son used to tell me everything. It’s impossible for them to do such things. It’s impossible, they’ve been set up. If there was anyone who knows it would be me.
Fontes: Sydney Morning Herald; Hollywoodlife.com
2. O que quiseram dizer com "set up" no trecho acima?
A. Que foram torturados, maltratados
B. Que foram vítimas de preconceito racial
C. Que foram vítimas de uma armação
D. Que foram vítimas de corrupção
Bons estudos.
1. Esta semana houve mais um ataque terrorista nos EUA, que repercutiu mundialmente. Veja o que os pais dos suspeitos do atentado disseram em um trecho.
"In my opinion, my children were set up by the secret services because they are practising Muslims."
"This is a set up, my son would never ever carry out such terror attack. FBI knew everything what my son was doing, told me he was serious leader, that they were afraid of him. Neither of them have ever talked about what they are saying now. Nobody talked about the terrorism. My oldest son used to tell me everything. It’s impossible for them to do such things. It’s impossible, they’ve been set up. If there was anyone who knows it would be me.
Fontes: Sydney Morning Herald; Hollywoodlife.com
2. O que quiseram dizer com "set up" no trecho acima?
A. Que foram torturados, maltratados
B. Que foram vítimas de preconceito racial
C. Que foram vítimas de uma armação
D. Que foram vítimas de corrupção
Bons estudos.
5 respostas
II totally agree with José Luis, the correct answer is " C".
Letter C.
Letra C
Bons estudos!
Letra C
Bons estudos!
I believe SET UP comes with the sense of a frame according to the father of the boys was taken by FBI, then the answer is the letter C.