Exercício: Iniciantes em Inglês - Fazer - Do x Make

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Preencham os espaços em branco usando "do" ou "make" adequadamente.

1. Please_your homework now. It's very important!
2. I_lunch every day but I think it's boring.
3. We are_a birthday cake.
4. Don't_this! It's wrong. Ok? Don't call her names.
5. They_what they can to help.
6. What do you? I'm a lawyer.
7. What did you? I called her.
8. They don't_cars. They_cellphones.
9._as you're told!
Bons estudos.
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
2 respostas
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felipeh6 7 58
Preencham os espaços em branco usando "do" ou "make" adequadamente.

1. Please__do__your homework now. It's very important!
2. I__make__lunch every day but I think it's boring.
3. We are__doing__a birthday cake.
4. Don't__do__this! It's wrong. Ok? Don't call her names.
5. They__do__what they can to help.
6. What do you__do__? I'm a lawyer.
7. What did you__do__? I called her.
8. They don't__make__cars. They__do__cellphones.
9.__Do__as you're told!
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Aqui estão as respostas / Here are the answers

1. do
2. make
3. making
4. do
5. do
6. do
7. do
8. make / make
9. do

Bons estudos!