Exercício: interpretação do texto "The Mummy's Tale"


Fiquei com dúvidas em alguns exercícios referentes ao texto abaixo:

Texto para os exercícios de 13 a 22.

(Time, March 28, 1994)

The Mummy's Tale

A woman's remains prove that tuberculosis existed in the New World before Columbus crossed the sea


The ghosts of Columbus and his fellow European explores can breathe a bit easier. For a long time they _13_ accused of slaying New World natives not just with swords but also with germs. Supposedly, the sailors – and eventual settlers – brought with them the bugs for _14_ illnesses unknown in the Americas, including smallpox, measles, influenza, malaria and tuberculosis. Never having been exposed to these ailments, natives had _15_ immunity. Now, _16_, the European invaders have been exonerated as the carriers of at least one disease to the New World. Scientists said last week that they had found DNA from TB bacterium in the mummified remains of a woman who _17_ in the Americas 500 years before Columbus set sail from Spain.
Paleopathologists had suspected that TB existed in the New World before 1492. Ancient skeletons, for instance, _18_ bone lesions that resemble those caused by TB. But the DNA discovery, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the first firm proof of TB's longevity in the Americas.
The big mystery: _19_ to the Americas? _20_ people migrating from Asia across the Bering Sea land bridge take the disease to the new land? Those travelers, thousands of years earlier than Columbus, may have carried the answer to _21_ graves. If so, scientists may one day unearth _22_.

Choose the alternative that best fills each corresponding blank in the text.

a) are
b) was
c) have been
d) had be
e) will
Resposta: c

a) little
b) a little
c) much
d) a few
e) a great deal of
Resposta: d

a) none
b) any
c) no one
d) no
e) nothing
Resposta: b

a) because
b) therefore
c) as soon as
d) due to
e) though
Resposta: c

a) dies
b) had died
c) die
d) will die
e) has died
Resposta: e

a) have
b) has
c) has had
d) was having
e) had have
Resposta: b

a) How TB got
b) What did TB got
c) How did TB get
d) How do TB got
e) When do TB get
Resposta: c

a) Do
b) Does
c) Are
d) Have
e) Did
Resposta: a

a) theirs
b) their
c) its
d) his
e) your
Resposta: c

a) its
b) her
c) him
d) it
e) their
Resposta: d

Compreendi e acertei os exercícios de número 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20 e 22.

Fiquei com dúvida nos demais:

Nesta questão, me parece que o sentido da palavra que preencheria a lacuna seria algo como: “entretanto”, “contudo”, “porém”. Assim escolheria a alternativa e (though). No dicionário que consultei as soon as, que seria a resposta correta, tem o significado de: “assim que”, “tão logo”, “logo que”. Não me parece adequado. Fiquei em dúvida.

Nesta questão, me parece que a forma verbal correta seria a da resposta a (have) e não a da resposta b (has), que seria a correta. Isso porque “Ancient skeletons” (esqueletos antigos) está no plural, logo, ancient skeletons corresponderia a they e assim a forma verbal seria have e não has. Fiquei em dúvida.

Nesta questão, me parece que o adjetivo possessivo correto seria o da resposta b (their) e não o da resposta c (its), que seria a correta. Isso porque o pronome se referiria a “Those travelers” que é plural e assim corresponderia a they e assim o pronome correspondente seria their. Também fiquei em dúvida.


Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
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Observação adcional:

Na questão 20, não caberia também a resposta e (Did)?

Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Sim, na _20_ só caberia um Did, já que a pergunta se refere a um evento ocorrido há muito tempo.

Sugiro colocar textos mais curtos para análise, q.d., dividir o texto em vários tópicos. Regras do fórum.