Exercício: Música em Inglês - Acerte a tradução (14)

felipeh6 7 58
Na letra de "Everybody Talks - Neon Trees", qual a melhor tradução da frase:

"It started with a whisper"

a) Terminou com um sussurro.
b) Começou com um sussurro.
c) Começou com um desejo.
d) Nenhuma das anteriores. Minha resposta é: ______________.


Pra quem quer, segue a letra completa:

Everybody Talks - Neon Trees

Hey baby won't you look my way
I can be your new addiction
Hey baby what you gotta say?
All you're giving me is fiction
I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time
I found out that everybody talks
Everybody talks, everybody talks

It started with a whisper
And that was when i kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mamas always gotta back track
When everybody talks back

Hey honey you could be my drug
You could be my new prescription
Too much could be an overdose
All this trash talk make me itchin
Oh my my
Everybody talks, everybody talks
Everybody talks, too much

It started with a whisper
And that was when i kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mamas always gotta back track
When everybody talks back

Never thought i'd live
To see the day
When everybody's words got in the way

Hey sugar show me all your love
All you're giving me is friction
Hey sugar what you gotta say?

It started with a whisper
And that was when i kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mamas always gotta back track
When everybody talks back

Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks...back

It started with a whisper
And that was when i kissed her

Everybody talks
Everybody talks...back

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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felipeh6 7 58


Whisper: speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords
felipeh6 7 58

Another hint:

•start: v. começar, iniciar.

Let's see...
felipeh6 7 58

Resposta certa é b) Começou com um sussurro.

Até a próxima...