Exercício: preposições em inglês: up, by, with, to, of, from


Complete com uma das seguintes preposições :

Up , by, with, since, along, to, of, for, from ,tell, around, throught ,about, out, under, across, off, without, into

1- mr brown is going london and will stay there the end the month .

2- charles always mixes his whiskey water .

3- please ,pour the milk this jug .

4 -when the ships saw the river,they pass several bridges .

5- jim fell a ladder and broke his arm .

6- silvio is always talking going the united states .

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7 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
As frases mostradas não são muito precisas. Com um contexto melhor, as sugestões podem ser mais acertadas.

1. To / to / of
2. With
3. Into
4. Under
5. Off
6. About / to

Bons estudos.
jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Os alunos de nível intermediário e avançado podem conultar The free Dictionary and thesaurus onde encontrarão os vários significadds de cada preposição,

por exemplo UP: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/up

cheers !
In the first phrase I think the correct is: Mr brown is going to London and will stay there until the end of the month .

Am I right?
I see "4 -when the ships saw the river" as a meaningless sentence. Ships cannot "see", don't you think?
OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
I think he meant 'when the sheep saw the river' maybe
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... or that "the ships sail..."
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
You guys made me crack up with the last two possibilities! the end result couldn´t be more different! ha ha ha!
Sorry, I just couldn´t help but laughing! :lol: