Exercício: Texto em Inglês com: this, that, these, those

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

1. Read the text below / leiam o texto abaixo

Different Books

This book here on the table is very important because it helped me learn good things - it is called 'The Book of Life'. I don't like that book there on the desk because it doesn't have much information - it is called 'The Magic Formula'. 'The Book of Life' is much more comprehensive and useful. 'The Magic Formula' seems to be unrealistic and full of mistakes - even spelling mistakes.

For me, it's obvious that these books are completely different and I think the authors have different opinions about almost everything. It's one of those situations that makes you wonder why people and things can be so different sometimes. But that's life.

2. Answer the questions

A. Do you read books?

B. Do you have good books?

C. Do you go to libraries?

D. What do you think about books?
Bons estudos!
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3 respostas
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a. Do you read books?
Yes, I like to read. I'm always reading a book.

b. Do you have good books?
Yes, I have on a shelf all my favourites books.

c. Do you go to libraries?
Sometimes I go to my university library to study.

d. What do you think about books?
I think books, besides a good hobby, are fountains of knowledge and culture.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Aqui estão as respostas / Here are the answers

a. Do you read books?
Yes, I do. I think it's important.

b. Do you have good books?
Yes, I do. These books are really useful.

c. Do you go to libraries?
I used to. Not any more.

d. What do you think about books?
They can save lives.

Bons estudos!
a. Do you read books?
Yes, I like to read books very much.

b. Do you have good books?
Yes, I think so

c. Do you go to libraries?
No, usually I buy books in bookstores.

d. What do you think about books?
Yes, in my opinon read books is very important because you gets knowledge,