Exercício: Texto em Inglês sobre Profissões

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Confira aqui um texto em inglês sobre profissões (com as profissões) com exercícios.

1. Text

Jacob is a doctor, and he is married to Bella who is a nurse. They work at the same hospital every day, and have very little time to take care of their children, so they have a nanny who helps them at home. Their nanny's name is Rose. Rose is a calm and friendly woman who takes care of Charles and Maya.

Charles and Maya go to school in the morning and they love their teachers. The school's principal says that Charles and Maya are so happy every time they arrive at school. When the bus driver arrives to pick them up, they are always laughing and playing.

These kids love to study too, and Maya says she doesn't want to be a doctor or a nurse, she wants to be an engineer; and Charles says he wants to be a lawyer or a veterinarian, or maybe a dentist.

Jacob and Bella are happy that their kids are so nice!

2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (xxx)
B. Charles is a dentist. (xxx)
C. Maya is a lawyer. (xxx)
D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (xxx)
E. Rose is a nanny. (xxx)

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor:
B. Nurse:
C. Nanny:
D. Teacher:
E. Principal:
F. Bus driver:
G. Engineer:
H. Lawyer:
I. Veterinarian:
J. Dentist:

Bons estudos.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
12 respostas
Ordenar por: Data

2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (FALSO)

B. Charles is a dentist. (FALSO)

C. Maya is a lawyer. (FALSO)

D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (VERDADEIRO)

E. Rose is a nanny. (VERDADEIRO)

3. Traduza como profissões do texto

A. Um médico:
B. Enfermeira:
C. Babá:
D. Professor:
E. Diretor:
F. Motorista de ônibus:
G. Engenheiro:
H. Advogado:
I. Veterinário:
J. Dentista:
Donay Mendonça escreveu: 02 Dez 2020, 17:17 Confira aqui um texto em inglês sobre profissões (com as profissões) com exercícios.

1. Text


2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (FALSE)
B. Charles is a dentist. (FALSE)
C. Maya is a lawyer. (FALSE)
D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (TRUE)
E. Rose is a nanny. (TRUE)

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor: Médico
B. Nurse: Enfermeira
C. Nanny: Babá
D. Teacher: Professor
E. Principal: Diretor
F. Bus driver: Motorista de Ônibus
G. Engineer: Engenheiro
H. Lawyer: Advogado
I. Veterinarian: Veterinário
J. Dentist: Dentista

Bons estudos.
Donay Mendonça escreveu: 02 Dez 2020, 17:17 Confira aqui um texto em inglês sobre profissões (com as profissões) com exercícios.

1. Text
SÉRIE : 1°

2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (FALSO)
B. Charles is a dentist. (FALSO)
C. Maya is a lawyer. (FALSO)
D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (VERDADEIRO)
E. Rose is a nanny. (VERDADEIRO)

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor: MÉDICO
C. Nanny:BABÁ
E. Principal:DIRETOR
I. Veterinarian:VETERINÁRIO

Bons estudos.

2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (FALSO)

B. Charles is a dentist. (FALSO)

C. Maya is a lawyer. (FALSO)

D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (VERDADEIRO)

E. Rose is a nanny. (VERDADEIRO)

3. Traduza como profissões do texto

A. Um médico:
B. Enfermeira:
C. Babá:
D. Professor:
E. Diretor:
F. Motorista de ônibus:
G. Engenheiro:
H. Advogado:
I. Veterinário:
J. Dentista:
Aluno:Carlos Eduardo Costa Xavier 1B
2 .Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (falso)
B. Charles is a dentist. (falso)
C. Maya is a lawyer. (falso)
D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (Verdadeiro)
E. Rose is a nanny. (Verdadeiro)

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor: médico
B. Nurse: Enfermeira
C. Nanny: Babá
D. Teacher: Professor
E. Principal: diretor
F. Bus driver: )Motorista de ônibus
G. Engineer: Engenheiro
H. Lawyer: Advogado
I. Veterinarian: Veterinário
J. Dentist: Dentista
O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
Donay Mendonça escreveu: 02 Dez 2020, 17:17 Confira aqui um texto em inglês sobre profissões (com as profissões) com exercícios.

1. Text

Jacob is a doctor, and he is married to Bella who is a nurse. They work at the same hospital every day, and have very little time to take care of their children, so they have a nanny who helps them at home. Their nanny's name is Rose. Rose is a calm and friendly woman who takes care of Charles and Maya.

Charles and Maya go to school in the morning and they love their teachers. The school's principal says that Charles and Maya are so happy every time they arrive at school. When the bus driver arrives to pick them up, they are always laughing and playing.

These kids love to study too, and Maya says she doesn't want to be a doctor or a nurse, she wants to be an engineer; and Charles says he wants to be a lawyer or a veterinarian, or maybe a dentist.

Jacob and Bella are happy that their kids are so nice!
ALUNA: Líbia Jayane Fernandes gomes

2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (FALSO)

B. Charles is a dentist. (FALSO)

C. Maya is a lawyer. (FALSO)

D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (VERDADEIRO)

E. Rose is a nanny. (VERDADEIRO)

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor: Médico
B. Nurse: Enfermeira
C. Nanny: Babá
D. Teacher: Professor
E. Principal: Diretor
F. Bus driver: Motorista de Ônibus
G. Engineer: Engenheiro
H. Lawyer: Advogado
I. Veterinarian: Veterinário
J. Dentist: Dentista

Bons estudos.
Ketlen de Araújo Alencar
Turma 2acc3
2) A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (falso)

B. Charles is a dentist. (falso)

C. Maya is a lawyer. (falso)

D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital.


E. Rose is a nanny. (Verdadeiro)

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor: médico

B. Nurse: Enfermeira

C. Nanny: Babá

D. Teacher: Professor

E. Principal: diretor

F. Bus driver: )Motorista de ônibus G. Engineer: Engenheiro

H. Lawyer: Advogado

I. Veterinarian: Veterinário

J. Dentist: Dentista
Donay Mendonça escreveu: 02 Dez 2020, 17:17 Confira aqui um texto em inglês sobre profissões (com as profissões) com exercícios.
Maria Clara Chaves Saldanha Leitão 2 Ano C
1. Text

Jacob is a doctor, and he is married to Bella who is a nurse. They work at the same hospital every day, and have very little time to take care of their children, so they have a nanny who helps them at home. Their nanny's name is Rose. Rose is a calm and friendly woman who takes care of Charles and Maya.

Charles and Maya go to school in the morning and they love their teachers. The school's principal says that Charles and Maya are so happy every time they arrive at school. When the bus driver arrives to pick them up, they are always laughing and playing.

These kids love to study too, and Maya says she doesn't want to be a doctor or a nurse, she wants to be an engineer; and Charles says he wants to be a lawyer or a veterinarian, or maybe a dentist.

Jacob and Bella are happy that their kids are so nice!

2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (Falso)
B. Charles is a dentist. (Falso)
C. Maya is a lawyer. (Falso
D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (Verdadeiro )
E. Rose is a nanny. (Verdadeiro )

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor:doutor
B. Nurse:enfermeira
C. Nanny:babá
D. Teacher:professor
E. Principal:diretor
F. Bus driver:motorista de ônibus
G. Engineer:engenheiro
H. Lawyer:advogado
I. Veterinarian:veterinário
J. Dentist:dentista

Bons estudos.
ALUNA: Gabriely Vitória Gilioli Costa
1. - 0 -
A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (FALSE)
B. Charles is a dentist. (FALSE)
C. Maya is a lawyer. (FALSE)
D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (TRUE)
E. Rose is a nanny. (TRUE)

A. Doctor: Médico.
B. Nurse: Enfermeira.
C. Nanny: Babá.
D. Teacher: Professor.
E. Principal: Diretor.
F. Bus driver: Motorista de Ônibus.
G. Engineer: Engenheiro.
H. Lawyer: Advogado.
I. Veterinarian: Veterinário.
J. Dentist: Dentista.
Fernanda Affonso Araújo 2A

1. Text

Jacob is a doctor, and he is married to Bella who is a nurse. They work at the same hospital every day, and have very little time to take care of their children, so they have a nanny who helps them at home. Their nanny's name is Rose. Rose is a calm and friendly woman who takes care of Charles and Maya.

Charles and Maya go to school in the morning and they love their teachers. The school's principal says that Charles and Maya are so happy every time they arrive at school. When the bus driver arrives to pick them up, they are always laughing and playing.

These kids love to study too, and Maya says she doesn't want to be a doctor or a nurse, she wants to be an engineer; and Charles says he wants to be a lawyer or a veterinarian, or maybe a dentist.

Jacob and Bella are happy that their kids are so nice!

2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (False)
B. Charles is a dentist. (False)
C. Maya is a lawyer. (False)
D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (True)
E. Rose is a nanny. (True)

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor:médico
B. Nurse:enfermeira
C. Nanny: baba
D. Teacher: professor
E. Principal: diretor
F. Bus driver: motorista de ônibus
G. Engineer: engenheiro
H. Lawyer: advogado
I. Veterinarian: veterinário
J. Dentist: dentista

Bons estudos.
O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
1. Text

ALUNO: Matheus Alzino Xavier Dos Santos

2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jacob and Bella are doctors. (FALSE)
B. Charles is a dentist. (FALSE)
C. Maya is a lawyer. (FALSE)
D. Jacob and Bella work at a hospital. (TRUE)
E. Rose is a nanny. (TRUE)

3. Traduza as profissões do texto

A. Doctor: Médico
B. Nurse: Enfermeira
C. Nanny: Babá
D. Teacher: Professor
E. Principal: Diretor
F. Bus driver: Motorista de Ônibus
G. Engineer: Engenheiro
H. Lawyer: Advogado
I. Veterinarian: Veterinário
J. Dentist: Dentista
A) Jacob and Bella are doctors (V)

B) Jacob Bella work at the same hospital every day (V)

C) Charles is a dentist (F)

D) Charles and Maya love ther teacher (V)

E)Maya is a lawyer (F)

F) Jacob and Bella work at a hospital (V)

G)Rose os a nanny​ (V)



C) Babá



F)Motorista de ônibus



